Projeteur électricité - BIM

Ineo Hauts-de-France, entité d’EQUANS France, recherche son futur :

Projeteur en électricité - BIM (F/H)

Poste basé à Noyelles-lès-Seclin (59)

  • Vous êtes passionné(e) par la réalisation de plans et schémas électriques dans le domaine industriel ?
  • Travailler en équipe est important pour vous mais aussi être autonome sur votre périmètre ?
  • Vous recherchez une entreprise à taille humaine avec les avantages d’un grand groupe ?

Alors, vous êtes au bon endroit !


Qui sommes-nous ?

Expertise et proximité pour EQUANS France, leader des services multi-techniques.

INEO Hauts-de-France, entité d’EQUANS France, spécialisée dans les activités d’installation électrique Industrie et Tertiaire, l’habitat et dans la gestion de la maintenance électrique, rassemble plus de 700 collaborateurs autour de ses corps de métiers. Son chiffre d’affaires s’élève à plus de 120 millions d’euros.

L'opportunité à saisir :

Dans le cadre d'une réorganisation de notre activité, nous recherchons notre futur Dessinateur Projeteur en électricité BIM (H/F)

Vous aurez entre autre les missions suivantes : 

  • Conception des plans et schémas
  • Calcule des câbles et protections pour vos clients dans le domaine industriel 
  • Participation aux études de synthèses et proposition des solutions économiques rationnelles dont vous pouvez justifier l’aspect technique.
  • Veille au respect de la réglementation en vigueur
  • Suivi jusqu’à la mise en service

Votre super profil :

Au delà de votre formation, vous justifiez d’une expérience de 2 ans minimum sur un poste similaire en BIM, dans le domaine de l'électricité. Orienté(e) technique et service client, vous faites preuve d'autonomie, d’analyse et d’initiative. 

Un dernier point pour vous convaincre de nous rejoindre ?

 En plus de votre rémunération fixe vous bénéficiez également d'avantages tels que :

  • Tickets restaurant d'une valeur de 11€50
  • Mise en place progressive d’un 13e mois
  • 12 Jours de RTT/ an
  • Prime vacance de 30% des congés payés (caisse BTP)
  • Nombreuses offres CSE (prix réduits, loisirs, cinéma chèques vacances)
  • Prime de participation et d’intéressement au-delà de votre période d’essai
  • Plan d’épargne salarial

Venir chez nous, c'est intégrer un grand Groupe, tout en travaillant dans des équipes à taille humaine actives et motivées.

Technicien Dépanneur Frigoriste Froid Commercial H/F - Axima Réfrigération - 14

Expertise et proximité pour EQUANS France, leader des services multi-technique

Axima Réfrigération, entité d’EQUANS, est l’un des principaux acteurs français en réfrigération. Grâce à son réseau de plus de 80 agences et de près de 2300 collaborateurs réparties sur le territoire, Axima Réfrigération France intervient de manière réactive pour répondre aux besoins des clients en installation, maintenance et dépannage dans le domaine du Froid commercial et du Froid industriel. Les solutions proposées permettent une réduction des consommations énergétiques et de l’impact environnemental, en accord avec les évolutions réglementaires. Ses principaux secteurs d’activité sont l'industrie agroalimentaire, la grande distribution, la logistique, la chimie, le tertiaire, les sports de glace, etc...

Axima Réfrigération France, recherche son futur Technicien Dépanneur Frigoriste Froid Commercial (H/F) rattaché(e) à l’agence de Caen. 

Rattaché au Responsable SAV, votre mission consiste à assurer la maintenance préventive, curative ainsi que les dépannages des équipements frigorifiques en autonomie, pour le compte de nos différents clients (grandes et moyennes surfaces, entrepôts, agroalimentaire). Vous assurez également le réglage des installations. 
Débutant ou expérimenté, vous intervenez techniquement chez nos clients dans le cadre du respect des contrats de maintenance et dépannages. 
Vous manipulez les fluides frigorigènes dans le respect des normes en vigueur, et êtes capable d’intervenir sur les réseaux hydrauliques ou aérauliques, ainsi que sur les circuits et/ou armoires électriques (simples ou avec automates). 
Vous contribuez à garantir la satisfaction de nos clients dans le respect des engagements contractuels (temps, délais, qualité de service).
Des astreintes périodiques sont à prévoir.

Idéalement issu d’une formation technique spécialisée en Réfrigération ou Génie Climatique (Bac à Bac +2, tel que Bac Pro TFCA, IFFI, BTS FED…), vous possédez une première expérience significative sur un poste similaire dans laquelle vous avez su démontrer une réelle capacité à entretenir une relation de confiance avec vos clients.
Votre autonomie, votre rigueur, ainsi que votre capacité d’adaptation, atouts nécessaires sur ce poste, vous permettront de vous épanouir dans vos missions.
Permis B exigé.

Vous souhaitez bénéficier d’un réel accompagnement vous permettant de vous épanouir dans votre poste ? 
Que vous intégriez le marché du travail ou que vous soyez en recherche d'une évolution de carrière, rejoignez-nous !
Intégrer nos équipes afin de monter en compétences, évoluer et s’épanouir sont les piliers d’une expérience professionnelle réussie chez Axima Réfrigération. 

Axima Réfrigération s'engage en faveur de l'insertion, la mixité, le soutien et l'accompagnement des juniors, seniors et personnes en situation de handicap.

EQUANS France garantit l’égalité des chances pour tous et la diversité.

Nous nous engageons à promouvoir la diversité, l’inclusion et à lutter contre toutes les formes de discriminations à l’accès à l'emploi, à la formation, à la promotion et plus largement dans nos environnements et cadres de travail.   

L’insertion, la mixité, le soutien et l’accompagnement des jeunes, des seniors, des personnes en situation de handicap sont des priorités essentielles de la politique ressources humaines. 

En savoir plus sur EQUANS France :

Plus de 27 000 collaborateurs contribuent à l’aventure EQUANS France. Concepteurs, intégrateurs et mainteneurs de solutions multi-techniques, tous sont engagés sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur (financement, études, installation, maintenance, contrats de performance). Répartis dans 413 agences sur l’ensemble du territoire français mais aussi à l’International, l’exigence et la bienveillance sont au cœur de notre culture et de la performance.

Notre mission ? Au sein d’EQUANS France, nos équipes, pour qui la santé et la sécurité au travail sont  une priorité absolue, sont engagées pour accompagner leurs clients dans leurs transitions énergétique, industrielle et numérique et relever ainsi le défi de la décarbonation de notre économie. Pour cela,  nos équipes connectent, protègent et alimentent en flux énergétiques et numériques les territoires, les villes, les bâtiments, les industriels et les infrastructures de transport.

Experts dans 6 domaines - Génie électrique, Génie climatique, Réfrigération, Protection incendie, IT et télécommunications, Solutions digitales, la complémentarité de nos activités témoigne de notre capacité à innover et à nous adapter pour fournir des services à forte valeur ajoutée pour nos clients.

Enraciné dans une histoire plus que centenaire issue des sociétés Axima et Ineo, EQUANS France atteint un chiffre d’affaires de 5 milliards d’euros

Ingénieur(e) d'études Installations Générales (F/H)

 Rejoins notre équipe marseillaise en tant qu'Ingénieur(e) d'Etudes Installations Générales ! 

Tu es intéressé(e) par la tuyauterie/chaudronnerie et la gestion de projets ? Ne cherche plus, ce poste est fait pour toi !

Ce que tu feras :

  • Participer au chiffrage des offres d’études installation générale.
  • Réaliser la planification des études installation générale sur les projets confiés.
  • Participer aux études de conception, de prédimensionnement et d’implantation des installations générales, équipements, structures métalliques.
  • Réaliser et/ou encadrer la réalisation des maquettes 3D et des différents plans de l'installation (plans d'ensembles, plan d'implantation d'équipements, isométriques, plan de détails...).
  • Gérer les interfaces techniques avec les autres discipline (EIA, GC).
  • Préparer, adapter et valider les classes de tuyauterie et les spécifications et listings de matériel de tuyauterie.
  • Préparer les listes de vannes manuelles et accessoires (composants en lignes...).
  • Rédiger les cahiers des charges et établir les décompositions de prix liés à l'activité Tuyauterie et Installation Générale.
  • Analyser et suivre techniquement des offres de marchés de travaux et de fournisseurs de matériel de tuyauterie.
  • Vérifier l'adéquation du matériel proposé par les fournisseurs en accord avec les spécifications (codes et standards client).
  • Assurer l'animation des réunions de clarification avec les fournisseurs de marché de travaux.
  • Réaliser le VISA technique des marchés de travaux et éventuellement superviser et réceptionner les travaux de construction sur les sites de nos clients.
  • Être responsable de la qualité, de la sécurité et de la bonne tenue du budget et du planning de vos études.

Ce que nous recherchons :

 Formation : Diplôme Bac+5 master ou école d'ingénieur.

 Expérience : Une expérience réussie de 3 à 5 ans dans le secteur de la chimie, pétrochimie, gaz, agroalimentaire, pharmacie ou nucléaire. Tu as 

une bonne connaissance des normes applicables :EN, ASME, API, ISO ainsi que des codes B31.3, CODETI, DESP.

 Logiciels : Autocad, PLANT 3D, Revit, E3D, MS Project, Excel. 

Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?

 Faire partie d'un Groupe aux valeurs humaines fortes : Ici, on valorise l'humain et on encourage la mobilité interne pour que chacun puisse évoluer à son rythme.

 Profiter de 12 jours de RTT par an : Parce qu'on sait que tu as besoin de temps pour te ressourcer et profiter de la vie.

 Profiter de deux jours de télétravail : Grâce à notre accord télétravail, tu peux travailler de chez toi deux jours par semaine afin de maintenir un équilibre vie pro/vie perso optimal. 

 Être récompensé(e) pour tes choix écolos : En optant pour un mode de transport plus vert, tu bénéficies de notre accord mobilité durable.

Bienvenue chez ERAS INGENIERIE !

Eras est une entreprise leader dans le domaine des procédés industriels, reconnue pour son innovation et son engagement envers la durabilité. En rejoignant Eras, tu feras partie d'une équipe qui valorise la créativité, la collaboration et le développement. Nous croyons en l'importance de chaque membre de notre équipe et nous nous engageons à offrir un environnement de travail où chacun peut s'épanouir et contribuer à des projets significatifs. En savoir plus sur ERAS :

Nous faisons partie du groupe EQUANS : Equans est un leader mondial dans les services multi-techniques, offrant des solutions innovantes et durables pour répondre aux défis énergétiques et industriels de demain. En savoir plus sur EQUANS France :

Prêt(e) à relever le défi ? Envoie-nous ta candidature et rejoins une équipe qui fait la différence !

Chargé d'affaires Froid Industriel H/F - Axima Réfrigération - 17

Expertise et proximité pour EQUANS France, leader des services multi-technique

Axima Réfrigération, entité d’EQUANS, est l’un des principaux acteurs français en réfrigération. Grâce à son réseau de plus de 80 agences et de prêt de 2300 collaborateurs réparties sur le territoire, Axima Réfrigération France intervient de manière réactive pour répondre aux besoins des clients en installation, maintenance et dépannage dans le domaine du Froid commercial et du Froid industriel. Les solutions proposées permettent une réduction des consommations énergétiques et de l’impact environnemental, en accord avec les évolutions réglementaires. Ses principaux secteurs d’activité sont l'industrie agroalimentaire, la grande distribution, la logistique, la chimie, le tertiaire, les sports de glace, etc...

Axima Réfrigération France, recherche son futur Chargé d’affaires Froid Industriel (H/F), rattaché(e) à l’agence de La Rochelle.

Rattaché au Directeur d'Agence, votre mission consiste à gérer une ou plusieurs affaires dans tous ses aspects administratifs, techniques et commerciaux.

Vous êtes garant de la bonne réalisation des travaux, du résultat financier de l’affaire confiée, ainsi que de la satisfaction client.

Pour cela, vous êtes amené à :

  • Développer le chiffre d’affaires auprès de prospects
  • Assurer une relation de proximité avec les clients
  • Réaliser le chiffrage des devis
  • Assurer la préparation ainsi que le suivi de chantiers
  • Encadrer et piloter l’équipe opérationnelle Travaux ainsi que la sous-traitance
  • Superviser l’exécution des travaux dans le respect des engagements contractuels, des procédures qualité et sécurité, de la satisfaction client et de la maîtrise budgétaire
  • Consulter les fournisseurs et réaliser le passage de commandes de matériel en adéquation avec le budget
  • Participer à la préparation des dossiers d’exécution
  • Assurer le reporting financier de l’activité
  • Garantir le respect des règles d'hygiène et de sécurité sur les chantiers

Idéalement issu d’une formation spécialisée en Réfrigération (Bac à Bac +3, tel que Bac Pro TFCA, IFFI, BTS FED…), vous possédez 5 années d’expérience minimum en gestion d'affaires ou dans une fonction similaire.

Doté d'une réelle aisance relationnelle, vous savez convaincre, mobiliser et coordonner une équipe.

Votre rigueur, votre polyvalence, votre force de proposition ainsi que votre capacité à entreprendre et travailler en équipe sont des atouts qui vous permettront de vous épanouir dans ce poste.

Vous souhaitez bénéficier d’un réel accompagnement vous permettant de vous épanouir dans votre poste ? 
Que vous intégriez le marché du travail ou que vous soyez en recherche d'une évolution de carrière, rejoignez-nous !
Intégrer nos équipes afin de monter en compétences, évoluer et s’épanouir sont les piliers d’une expérience professionnelle réussie chez Axima Réfrigération. 

Axima Réfrigération s'engage en faveur de l'insertion, la mixité, le soutien et l'accompagnement des juniors, seniors et personnes en situation de handicap.

EQUANS France garantit l’égalité des chances pour tous et la diversité.

Nous nous engageons à promouvoir la diversité, l’inclusion et à lutter contre toutes les formes de discriminations à l’accès à l'emploi, à la formation, à la promotion et plus largement dans nos environnements et cadres de travail.   

L’insertion, la mixité, le soutien et l’accompagnement des jeunes, des seniors, des personnes en situation de handicap sont des priorités essentielles de la politique ressources humaines. 

En savoir plus sur EQUANS France :

Plus de 27 000 collaborateurs contribuent à l’aventure EQUANS France. Concepteurs, intégrateurs et mainteneurs de solutions multi-techniques, tous sont engagés sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur (financement, études, installation, maintenance, contrats de performance). Répartis dans 413 agences sur l’ensemble du territoire français mais aussi à l’International, l’exigence et la bienveillance sont au cœur de notre culture et de la performance.

Notre mission ? Au sein d’EQUANS France, nos équipes, pour qui la santé et la sécurité au travail sont  une priorité absolue, sont engagées pour accompagner leurs clients dans leurs transitions énergétique, industrielle et numérique et relever ainsi le défi de la décarbonation de notre économie. Pour cela,  nos équipes connectent, protègent et alimentent en flux énergétiques et numériques les territoires, les villes, les bâtiments, les industriels et les infrastructures de transport.

Experts dans 6 domaines - Génie électrique, Génie climatique, Réfrigération, Protection incendie, IT et télécommunications, Solutions digitales, la complémentarité de nos activités témoigne de notre capacité à innover et à nous adapter pour fournir des services à forte valeur ajoutée pour nos clients.

Enraciné dans une histoire plus que centenaire issue des sociétés Axima et Ineo, EQUANS France atteint un chiffre d’affaires de 5 milliards d’euros.


EQUANS are recruiting for a Planner to be based in Oldham. This is a 6-month FTC full-time role working 37 hours per week. On offer is a competitive salary and benefits package.

General Overview

The role of the planner is to support the contract supervisors by scheduling and planning the work for a team of multi-disciplined operatives/ engineers, ensuring the operatives / engineers are fully utilised, jobs are closed in a timely manner and appointments are booked in for any works not completed at first visit.

Key Accountabilities

Carry out various tasks to a high standard as instructed, including but not limited to:

  • Scheduling appointments through Equans IT system currently Castleton Maintain
  • Ensuring the operative / engineer is fully utilized throughout the day
  • Arranging follow on appointments for any jobs not completed on first visit.
  • Closing jobs in the system complete or cancelled as the day unfolds.
  • Clear critical numbers report daily
  • Communication with operatives / Engineers on site
  • Written and verbal communication with MCC / Northwards
  • Dealing with the repairs chase mailbox
  • Customer Satisfaction surveys
  • Work in any workstream as required
  • Any administration task to support the planning role

Assist with the adherence to the Company quality standards including:

  • Compliance with Equans procedures and processes
  • Maintain and care for all Equans property
  • To wear appropriate clothing / uniform
  • To ensure areas of work areas left clean and tidy at the end of the day
  • Liaison with all stakeholders
  • Material co-ordination
  • Ensure accurate / timely completion of any relevant documentation
  • To oversee/assist in the training of new starters as required
  • Any other reasonable management request

What can we offer you?

On offer is a competitive salary and benefits package, which includes;

  • Pension Scheme
  • 24 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
  • Life Cover equivalent to 1.5 times annual salary
  • 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
  • Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
  • Gym membership discounts 
  • Cycle to work scheme 
  • Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes


Who are we looking for?

Skills and abilities


  • Excellent organisational skills
  • Ability to deliver high quality Customer service
  • Ability to communicate professionally at all levels
  • Current and Valid Full & Clean UK driving license
  • Professional attitude and approach to work
  • Ability to competently operate IT packages eg. MS office




  • Experience of Partnership arrangements
  • Experience of Responsive Repairs or service contacts
  • Understanding of local government and RSL’s
  • Understanding of an appointment process
  • Previous Planning experience



Key Attributes


  • Self-motivated
  • Enthusiastic
  • Flexible & adaptable
  • Good communicator
  • Ability to work both alone and as part of a team
  • Well presented
  • Reliable
  • Polite and Courteous
  • Customer Care focused
  • Professional attitude to work


Who are we?

EQUANS is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.   

In the UK & Ireland, EQUANS is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables. 

EQUANS’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live. 

EQUANS is a Bouygues group company. 

 What's next? 

If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch. 

 At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.  

For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role.  Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements. 

The EQUANS Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to EQUANS Managers. 

Solar Power Project Manager

Equans is a renowned energies & services contractor and a proud member of the Bouygues global industrial group. Our expertise spans the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings and critical infrastructure worldwide.

We have a great opportunity for a Project Manager to oversee major renewable EPC projects across the UK.  We design, install, commission and operate large scale solar PV farms for our clients. Supplying renewable energy from solar power plants enables local communities to reduce costs and reduce their carbon footprint.

Alongside our solar farm projects we are involved in delivering a wide range of energy solutions to secure a more sustainable future.

Please note that when working away from home you will be provided with hotel accommodation and additional expenses whilst working away from home. The postholder will also have access to a company vehicle.

Key Activities:

  • Ensuring that all work is carried out to contract specifications with regard to the quality of work, time scales, costs and is authorised and documented in accordance with company procedures 
  • Planning resource appropriately to ensure maximum utilisation of human resource (including travel costs and time) and minimise cost of materials and equipment to provide a cost-effective service 
  • Ensuring that all members of staff directly or indirectly employed under your direction carry out their duties in a safe manner, in compliance to the companies Health and Safety Policy and in particular that of any site specific risk assessment 
  • Being responsible for the consistent project delivery including robust, high-quality services through management of the operational teams 
  • Implementing corporate strategies, especially in the context of financial performance (profitability, overhead minimisation, positive cash flow, improved financial ratios, etc.) 
  • Being responsible for contractual performance in line with approved budgets, key performance indicators, performance monitoring systems, output specifications and contractual requirements 
  • Effectively managing supply chain to the project in a cost-effective way 
  • Building and maintaining partnership relationships with the client representatives and managers 
  • Recruiting, developing, and motivating operational staff to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and customer service and efficient delivery

Skills, qualifications & experience: 

  • Previous project management experience within utility-scale ground mounted solar PV 
  • Experience in reviewing drawings, specifications, scopes
  • Previous exposure to H&S, budget and programme responsibility
  • Qualified at HNC level; relevant industry training (SMSTS, CDM, IOSH)
  • Excellent communication skills, with the ability to deal with client, supply chain and employees
  • Self-motivated with a proactive approach to problem solving and the ability to multi-task 
  • Flexible approach to working, willing to travel; full driving licence

We offer an excellent benefits package including:

  • Generous holiday allowance
  • Private health care
  • Pension
  • Company share scheme
  • Cycle to work scheme
  • Employee assistance programme (Private GP Appointments, Legal support, Counselling)

Who are we?

EQUANS is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.  

In the UK & Ireland, EQUANS is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.

EQUANS’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.

EQUANS is a Bouygues group company.

What’s next?

If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.

As part of a positive action drive to address under-representation in senior management positions we encourage applications from women, ethnically diverse individuals and people with disabilities, along with all candidates who identify with protected characteristic groups under the Equality Act 2010.

In support of our positive action measures, we will consider applications that do not meet all the technical requirements if candidates can demonstrate how transferable skills will enable them to successfully deliver the remit of the role in an environment which promotes a flexible working culture.

At Equans we're committed to delivering a culture where everyone's voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you'll find a welcoming and open workplace where you're supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You'll also have access to our growing employee networks including AccessAbility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), Veterans & Reservists, WOMEN TOGETHER (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals

Mobile BMS Service Engineer

Equans is looking for a Mobile BMS Engineer to join our Smart Buildings business, covering parts of Cambridgeshire on a permanent, full-time basis.

Smart Building have a very exciting opportunity to deliver critical Building Management System (BMS) Infrastructure upgrades / enhancements across a number of commercial, retail, healthcare, education & government sectors - across the country. In doing so we naturally prime the sites to become ‘Smart enabled’, meaning we can then introduce further value across sites via our IoT solutions; driving social, economic and environmental benefits to portfolios of sites and more importantly people operating and living within them.

Smart buildings currently deliver project works ranging from £10k - £1.5m in singular size + variations via an evolving blend of inhouse delivery supplemented by a selection of specialist supply chain partners. With an aggressive growth strategy over the next 3 – 5 years, this role will be paramount in helping to define shape and grow the team to ensure we grow sustainably. 

Key activities:

The role of Service Engineer will include carrying out a number of tasks on contracted customer sites, including PFI Schools, PFI Hospitals, Government Estates and MOD sites.  Your day to day will include:

  • Install, configure, and commission BMS components and equipment, including sensors, controllers, actuators, and software systems.
  • Carry out maintenance checks on Trend, Tridium and Distech BMS’s on our various sites.
  • Reactive call out rota will be worked (additional financial benefit included for being on call and attending)
  • Provide technical assistance and support to clients regarding their BMS systems.
  • Identify opportunities for improvement/remedial works to improve the performance of the BMS’s for our clients.
  • Prepare proposals and quoting of works as required.

Skills, Qualifications & Experience

  • City & Guild / BTEC / NVQ Electrical.
    Extensive knowledge & experience of BMS / HVAC.
  • Knowledge & experience with Trend, Tridium Controls/Niagara/Distech/Siemens.
  • Excellent working knowledge of the electrical industry.
  • Ability to read and interpret Electrical & Mechanical schematic diagrams.
  • Understanding of IT networks.
  • Good working knowledge of AutoCAD.
  • Full UK driving licence.
  • Controls training / experience.
  • Experience with fault finding in electrical panels.
  • Report writing skills.

What can we offer you?

  • Pension Scheme
  • 24 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
  • Life Cover equivalent to 1 times annual salary
  • 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
  • Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
  • Gym membership discounts 
  • Cycle to work scheme 
  • Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
  • Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
  • Access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in EQUANS), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Persons Network) and our Disability Network

Who are we?

EQUANS is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.  

In the UK & Ireland, EQUANS is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.

EQUANS’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.

EQUANS is a Bouygues group company.

What’s next?

If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.

As part of a positive action drive to address under-representation in senior management positions we encourage applications from women, ethnically diverse individuals and people with disabilities, along with all candidates who identify with protected characteristic groups under the Equality Act 2010.

In support of our positive action measures, we will consider applications that do not meet all the technical requirements if candidates can demonstrate how transferable skills will enable them to successfully deliver the remit of the role in an environment which promotes a flexible working culture.

At Equans we're committed to delivering a culture where everyone's voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you'll find a welcoming and open workplace where you're supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You'll also have access to our growing employee networks including AccessAbility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), Veterans & Reservists, WOMEN TOGETHER (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.

Mobile M&E Supervisor

Equans is a renowned energies & services contractor and a proud member of the Bouygues global industrial group. Our expertise spans the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings and critical infrastructure worldwide.

We currently have an exciting opportunity for an M&E Maintenance Supervisor to join our facilities management team working on our Metropolitan Police contract based at Lewisham police station and covering two other police sites at Sutton and Bromley.  This is a permanent full-time mobile role working 40 hours per week, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700.

The role:

  • Reporting to the Operations Manager
  • To oversee/manage PPM and Reactive maintenance duties to assets on the contract either with direct labour or subcontractors for the Hard FM services working across Metropolitan Police South East London and Gravesend sites
  • To supervise staff and contractors to ensure that the Mechanical and Electrical elements of the contract are delivered.  This will include input to the CAFM system (Maximo) and KPI monitoring
  • To make recommendations of replacement parts and materials in order to ensure the highest levels of equipment and building availability
  • To ensure that work is carried out to the highest standards and that all statutory legislation is complied with.
  • To develop and review Risk Assessments and Method Statements as required. To undertake a proactive approach in ensuring all plant and equipment is fully operational to maintain operational efficiency.
  • To be trained and appointed in at least 2 x AP/RP roles and attend training as necessary to maintain the roles
  • Working 40 hours per week from 0800 to 1700, Monday to Friday, plus participation in the on call rota and out of hours activity

The person:

  • Must hold a recognised electrical or mechanical trade apprenticeship and/or relevant qualifications to level 3 (theory and practice) in a relevant electrical or mechanical discipline with suitable industry experience.
  • Experience of building maintenance essential
  • Good organisational skills, able to prioritise workload
  • Good communication skills together with a first class customer service ethic
  • Ability to use initiative and judgement to solve problems
  • Must hold valid full UK driving license
  • Successful applicants will be subject to Metropolitan Police security vetting

Our excellent benefits package includes:

  • Generous holiday allowance
  • Company share scheme
  • 2 paid volunteering days a year
  • Cycle to work scheme
  • Season ticket loan
  • Employee assistance programme

Who are we?

EQUANS is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.  

In the UK & Ireland, EQUANS is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.

EQUANS’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.

EQUANS is a Bouygues group company.

What’s next?

If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.

At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.

For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role.  Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.

The EQUANS Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to EQUANS Managers.

Electrical Design Engineer

Equans is a renowned energies & services contractor and a proud member of the Bouygues global industrial group. Our expertise spans the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings and critical infrastructure worldwide.

We are seeking an Electrical Design Engineer to join the Energy Engineering team in the development of innovative renewable energy and retrofit efficiency projects. This role will report to the Senior Electrical Design Engineer, supporting the continued growth in our engineering and design function in light of our expanding pipeline of work.

The Electrical Design Engineer will contribute in the preparation of electrical design elements of multidisciplinary projects from RIBA 1 to 4, as well as provide technical assurance during construction. These projects will typically range in value from £1m to £5m an encompass virtually all forms of renewable energy technologies.

The successful candidate will demonstrate a strong foundation in electrical engineering, spanning conventional building services, infrastructure and renewable energies. The candidate will be conversant with modern design tools, such as Amtec, AutoCAD and REVIT, as well as key design standards, regulations and codes of practice. The successful candidate will aid in creative, innovative solutions to meet the diverse needs and ambitions of our projects.

Key activities

  • The Electrical Design Engineer will be dedicated and committed to delivering designs on time, on budget, satisfy project requirements and achieve compliance.
  • Will involve collaborative teamwork with adjoining engineering disciplines and colleagues.
  • Ability to take a Project Brief, potentially from pre-concept stage, identify design options and select the best available technique, through rigorous qualitative and quantitative assessment.
  • Develop robust yet efficient designs in unique project environments with immovable deadlines
  • Liaise with Statutory Authorities, including Distribution Network Operators, to obtain relevant consents
  • Work within internal and external design teams to achieve of deliverable 

Skills, qualifications & experience 

  • Bachelors degree in engineering (or equivalent qualification)
  • Membership with an appropriate professional institution
  • Relevant awards associated with electrical engineering 

What we offer?

  • 25 days leave
  • 2 days charity leave
  • 1 paid professional membership
  • Company shares
  • Pension

Who are we?

EQUANS is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.  

In the UK & Ireland, EQUANS is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.

EQUANS’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.

EQUANS is a Bouygues group company.

What’s next?

If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.  

As part of a positive action drive to address under-representation in senior management positions we encourage applications from women, ethnically diverse individuals and people with disabilities, along with all candidates who identify with protected characteristic groups under the Equality Act 2010. 

In support of our positive action measures, we will consider applications that do not meet all the technical requirements if candidates can demonstrate how transferable skills will enable them to successfully deliver the remit of the role in an environment which promotes a flexible working culture. 

At Equans we're committed to delivering a culture where everyone's voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you'll find a welcoming and open workplace where you're supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You'll also have access to our growing employee networks including AccessAbility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), Veterans & Reservists, WOMEN TOGETHER (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals


EQUANS is looking for an Administrator to join our team based at Sizewell B Nuclear Power Station on a permanent basis. This is a full time role working 37.5 hours per week. On offer is a competitive salary and benefits package. 


You will be an integral member of the Office services team delivering all Office Services.  Must be a key team member in delivering the require level of administrative services.

What will you deliver? 

  • Work with appropriate line supervisors to ensure that tasks are planned and delivered to client specification and agreed service requirements
  • Plan and prioritise work
  • Ensure compliance with statutory and company procedures, maintaining up to date knowledge of H/S and Environmental regulations
  • Provide out of hours cover where required
  • Complete relevant paperwork
  • Compliant with all safety related policies and procedures
  • Monitor holiday and sickness
  • Assisting with Reception & Post
  • Assist with Helpdesk
  • Able to minute meetings
  • Ad hoc admin duties.

What can we offer you? 

On offer is a competitive salary and benefits package, which includes; 

  • 24 days annual leave (+ public holidays) 
  • Life Cover equivalent to 1 times annual salary 
  • Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers 
  • Gym membership discounts  
  • Cycle to work scheme  
  • Holiday purchase scheme 
  • 2 corporate social responsibility days per year 
  • Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes 
  • Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme 
  • Access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in EQUANS), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Persons Network) and our Disability Network 
  • 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app.

Who are we looking for? 


  • Ideally educated to or working towards an ONC or equivalent in a business / administration focussed subject area
  • Good communication skills and basic knowledge of computers (Word, Excel and Outlook)
  • Enthusiastic and committed to provide a professional, high quality service to the Company and the Client
  • Ideally, an understanding of fundamental HR practises and procedures
  • Experience in payroll and financial payment systems is essential, as well as general financial awareness where appropriate
  • Be able to prioritise work, and operate to tight deadlines
  • Plan, organise and monitor several activities at the same time
  • Good decision making and problem-solving abilities.

This role includes a Basic DBS check therefore ability to pass is essential.

Who are we? 

EQUANS is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.   

In the UK & Ireland, EQUANS is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables. 

EQUANS’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live. 

EQUANS is a Bouygues group company. 

What's next? 

If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch. 

At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.  

For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role.  Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements. 

The EQUANS Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to EQUANS Managers.