Chef de Chantier Grands Projets CVC
Saviez-vous que chez EQUANS France nos équipes réalisent de grands projets hospitaliers sur les lots techniques du bâtiment – Chauffage Ventilation Climatisation & Plomberie ?
EQUANS France, groupe Bouygues, recherche son futur
Chef de Chantier - Grands Projets CVC Plomberie H/F
En grands déplacements
A Nantes (44)
A partir de septembre 2025
Le défi ?
Contribuer à l’un des plus grands projets de santé en France, la construction du futur CHU de Nantes.
Un projet emblématique qui repousse les frontières techniques, environnementales et organisationnelles !
Vos missions :
Aux côtés des Conducteur de Travaux, Chargé(e) d’Affaires et Directeur de Projet, vous :
- Assurez la sécurité des monteurs sur site et établissez des méthodologies de pose avec les sous-traitants
- Gérez la sortie du matériel et garantissez sa bonne mise à disposition sur le chantier
- Résolvez les points bloquants sur chantier en coordination avec les autres corps d'état
- Mettez en place des auto-contrôles de montage pour assurer la qualité des installations
- Suivez l'avancement des travaux en établissant et en surveillant des indicateurs de performance
- Gérez les non-conformités détectées sur le chantier grâce à des outils digitaux
- Pilotez les réunions de chantier avec les sous-traitants pour assurer la bonne coordination des travaux
Des déplacements sur le territoire métropolitain pourront être nécessaires selon votre lieu de résidence et selon les projets sur lesquels vous pouvez être affectés.
Vous êtes le profil idéal si :
Vous êtes titulaire d’un diplôme Bac +2/3 (BTS, DUT, BUT ou Licence Pro) spécialisé dans le bâtiment ou l’énergie, et justifiez d’une expérience terrain (productif) de 5 ans minimum dans la gestion de chantiers en CVC / Plomberie. Vous appréciez le management d’équipe, êtes rigoureux(se), organisé(e) et avez un goût prononcé pour les défis d'envergure.
Votre sens de l’organisation & de la communication ainsi que votre esprit d’équipe seront des atouts !
Ce que nous vous offrons, au sein de notre entité Grands Projets :
- Une opportunité unique de travailler sur des projets exceptionnels dans le secteur de la santé
- Un environnement de travail formateur et stimulant, avec un accompagnement par des experts reconnus
- Des perspectives d’évolution au sein d’EQUANS France, acteur majeur de la transition énergétique et numérique
Pourquoi rejoindre EQUANS France ?
En intégrant nos équipes, vous participez à un projet à fort impact, développant vos compétences dans un environnement riche en innovation sur les lots techniques du bâtiment. C’est l’opportunité de travailler sur des projets qui redéfinissent les infrastructures tout en contribuant à la transition énergétique et numérique.
Envie de faire partie de l’aventure EQUANS France (Groupe Bouygues) et ainsi être Fier d’Agir Vraiment ?
Nous n’attendons plus que vous !
EQUANS France, c’est plus de 35 000 collaborateurs engagés pour transformer les villes, les territoires et les infrastructures de demain. EQUANS France s’engage à promouvoir la diversité, l’inclusion et à lutter contre toute forme de discrimination dans l'accès à l'emploi, à la formation et à la promotion. Ensemble, connectons, protégeons et alimentons en énergie et en numérique les bâtiments de demain.
Technico-commercial Froid industriel H/F
Intégrer MCI, c’est rejoindre le quotidien de 1300 collaborateurs au sein d’une entreprise leader dans le domaine de la réfrigération, du génie climatique et de la performance énergétique.
Notre motivation première est de GRANDIR ENSEMBLE.
En rejoignant MCI, vous pourrez vous former sur des métiers d'avenir, au sein d'une structure dynamique et évoluer sur des projets variés et innovants. Nous faisons partie du groupe Equans au sein de la grande famille Bouygues.
Pas encore convaincu(e) ? Nous concevons des solutions globales et performantes dans le domaine du génie climatique, de la réfrigération commerciale et industrielle, pour accompagner la transition énergétique et numérique des bâtiments, des environnements et des process de nos clients. Vous l'aurez compris pour travailler chez nous, il ne faut pas avoir froid aux yeux !
Devenez notre prochain(e) Technico-commercial(e) !
Les missions que nous vous proposons :
Vos principales missions dans le cadre de ce poste seront de :
- Suivre et visiter de manière régulière les prospects et clients sur son secteur
- Participer à l’élaboration du plan d’action commercial de l’agence
- Gérer un portefeuille et développer son fonds de commerce
- Elaborer les offres techniques et commerciales (chiffrage, consultation de fournisseurs) en respectant les définitions techniques et les objectifs de marge et en suivant l’ensemble des procédures (niveau d’approbation, conditions générales de ventes, etc…)
- Garantir la bonne conclusion de la vente : prix de revient, niveau de marge et la performance technique
- Veiller à la bonne exécution technique et financière des affaires
- Traiter les réclamations et les litiges clients
- Effectuer une veille concurrentielle
Vous serez amené(e) à travailler en étroite collaboration avec les départements opérationnels internes(bureau d’études, service travaux, SAV,...).
Votre Profil :
Ce qui nous plaira le plus chez vous? C’est vous-même ! Alors bien évidemment on vous préférera:
- De formation technique (réfrigération ou génie climatique) idéalement complétée par une formation commerciale, vous justifiez d’une expérience réussie de la vente et du montage d’affaires.
- Vous connaissez parfaitement les techniques de négociation et de vente ainsi que le tissu économique local.
- Autonome, polyvalent(e) et réactif(ve), vous êtes prêt(e) à intégrer une société offrant de réelles possibilités d’évolutions.
Dans votre bagage, on aimerait y trouver de bonnes connaissances des technologies courantes utilisées en réfrigération et plus largement en génie climatique.
Vous maîtrisez le pack office (Excel, Word, Outlook) et êtes en capacité de prendre en main rapidement des outils informatiques spécialisés (chiffrage, sélection de matériels techniques).
Vos avantages:
Chez MCI, nous avons à cœur de vous accompagner pour réussir votre prise de poste. Un parcours de formation et d’intégration dédié sera réalisé dès votre arrivée et pendant tout votre parcours au sein de l’entreprise.
Chaque mois, vous recevrez des tickets restaurants, d’une valeur de 10€ (en fonction des jours travaillés).
L’entreprise prend en charge 70 % de la cotisation de base de la mutuelle.
Et les primes dans tout ça ? Vous pourrez bénéficier de prime d’ancienneté, exceptionnelles, d’intéressement et de participation, et d’un 13ème mois.
En tant qu’entité d’Equans, les collaborateurs MCI bénéficient des abondements du Groupe lors de tout placement sur le plan d’épargne de l’entreprise (200% de votre montant initial chaque année!).
Pour participer à un meilleur équilibre vie pro-perso, nous vous proposons 2 jours de télétravail par semaine (au bout de 6 mois d’ancienneté).
En savoir plus sur EQUANS France:
Plus de 35000 collaborateurs contribuent à l’aventure EQUANS France, tous engagés sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur.
Au sein d’EQUANS France, nos équipes sont engagées pour accompagner leurs clients dans leurs transitions énergétique, industrielle et numérique et relever ainsi le défi de la décarbonation de notre économie. Nos équipes connectent, protègent et alimentent en flux énergétiques les territoires, les villes, les bâtiments, les industriels et les infrastructures de transport.
Enraciné dans une histoire plus que centenaire issue des sociétés Axima et Ineo, le chiffre d’affaire d’EQUANS France atteint les 6 milliards d’euros.
Operation Manager | HVAC
Et si vous deveniez le pilier central de projets d’envergure, où la technique rencontre la gestion humaine et financière ?
En tant qu’Operation Manager sur un site de renom à Bruxelles, vous coordonnez des équipes dynamiques, développez des relations clients solides, et optimisez les performances techniques dans le domaine de l'HVAC et de la régulation.
Rejoignez Equans et prenez part à des projets stimulants où votre leadership fait toute la différence.
Prêt·e à relever ce défi ?
- garantir l'efficacité opérationnelle et la qualité des services fournis pour le contrat de gestion et de maintenance préventive / curative des installations techniques.
- piloter la gestion des installations techniques confiées, avec une attention particulière à la qualité et aux performances (réactivité et satisfaction client)
- élaborer et contrôler une politique de maintenance efficace, tout en restant un référent technique pour vos équipes et vos clients
- superviser les budgets, le cash-flow, la facturation, et les créances commerciales pour garantir la rentabilité des contrats
- organiser et dynamiser vos équipes techniques, en collaboration avec les chefs d’équipe, pour assurer un suivi optimal des maintenances préventives et curatives
- Jouer un rôle central dans la planification et la mise en œuvre des projets de maintenance.
- être l’interlocuteur·trice privilégié·e des clients, en veillant à respecter et dépasser les exigences contractuelles tout en adaptant les moyens aux résultats attendus
- développer la relation commerciale en proposant de nouveaux contrats, projets et solutions sur mesure
- garantir le respect des consignes de sécurité, en analysant les risques, contrôlant les lieux de travail et veillant à la conformité des équipements
- accompagner le développement de vos collaborateurs via motivation, formations et évaluations pour assurer la montée en compétences des équipes
Faites la différence grâce à ces atouts :
- master en électromécanique, électricité, gestion ou expérience équivalente
- expertise avérée en maintenance d’installations techniques et gestion de projets
- connaissances souhaitées en énergie, électricité (HT/BT), et maintenance HVAC
- compétences en communication claire, réactivité et résistance au stress
- disponibilité pour intégrer un système de garde et sens aigu de la sécurité et de la qualité
- maîtrise du français, avec l’anglais comme atout supplémentaire
Prêt·e à écrire votre prochain chapitre avec Equans ? Postulez dès maintenant et donnez vie à votre potentiel !
Envie de relever les défis multitechniques de demain ?
Alors rejoignez dès à présent nos équipes d'experts, au sein desquelles vous pourrez exercer de nombreuses responsabilités et vos connaissances techniques mises en pratique. Et ce, dans un environnement de travail passionnant et innovant !
Vous aurez également l’occasion de découvrir les technologies de demain afin d’aider nos clients dans les trois grandes transitions actuelles : la transition énergétique, la transition industrielle et la transition digitale.
Mais ce n’est pas tout, rejoindre Equans, c'est aussi :
- un salaire compétitif, conforme à votre formation et expérience
- de belles opportunités de formation et de développement
- une assurance groupe, hospitalisation
- des écochèques, chèques-repas, 13ème mois, pécule de vacances
- une voiture de société
- un smartphone avec abonnement, intervention internet
- des congés RTT
Nous avons hâte de vous rencontrer !
Cette description vous colle-t-elle à la peau et vous souhaitez plus de renseignements ? Contactez notre collègue RH Charlotte Lejeune -
Energy Efficiency Engineer
Et si votre passion pour l’efficacité énergétique pouvait façonner un avenir plus durable ?
Prêt à optimiser les bâtiments et les installations HVAC pour réduire les empreintes carbone ? En tant que Energy Efficiency Engineer, vous dirigez des projets à fort impact, des audits énergétiques aux initiatives de décarbonation de pointe. Rejoindre Equans, sur nos sites à Grimbergen et Nivelles, c’est intégrer une équipe dédiée à la création de bâtiments plus verts et plus intelligents à travers toute la Belgique.
Comment vous ferez la différence :
- effectuer des quick scans et des audits énergétiques de bâtiments et systèmes HVAC
- collaborer avec les équipes techniques pour proposer des solutions d’économie d’énergie et optimiser les installations
- surveiller les installations, identifier les écarts et rédiger des rapports de performance énergétique
- concevoir des systèmes de monitoring énergétique pour des analyses précises et en temps réel
- contribuer au développement et à la standardisation de solutions de mesure conformes aux meilleures pratiques et aux besoins du marché
- assurer une communication régulière avec les clients
- rester informé des tendances en matière de décarbonation et de responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE) pour les intégrer dans les solutions énergétiques
- veiller à ce que la sécurité et la qualité soient au cœur de toutes les activités
- participer à des études techniques liées aux contrats de performance énergétique (CPE)
Et si c’était vous ? Apportez…
- un diplôme en ingénierie industrielle/civile (électromécanique, construction civile ou architecture)
- une excellente connaissance des bâtiments, incluant les techniques de construction, les enveloppes des bâtiments et les installations techniques (renouvelables, HVAC, électricité)
- la capacité à identifier les améliorations des bâtiments telles que l’isolation, l’étanchéité et les économies thermiques
- une expertise en thermique et électricité des bâtiments, avec la capacité de calculer les économies liées aux améliorations
- une solide maîtrise des techniques de bâtiment (architecture, HVAC, monitoring, régulation)
- une connaissance des réglementations de performance énergétique (PEB) dans une ou plusieurs régions belges (un atout)
- un intérêt pour la décarbonation, la RSE et les pratiques de comptabilité carbone (un atout)
- une expérience avec des outils comme Excel ou Python pour l’analyse de données
- de solides compétences analytiques et la capacité de synthétiser des données complexes
- la capacité de rédiger des rapports de haute qualité et de présenter clairement vos conclusions aux clients
- un sens aigu de l’innovation et une ouverture aux nouvelles idées
- une capacité à écouter les clients, comprendre leurs besoins et fournir des solutions sur mesure
- une autonomie combinée à un esprit collaboratif, prêt à partager vos compétences avec vos collègues
- la maîtrise du néerlandais et du français
Prêt·e à faire la différence ? Apportez votre expertise à Equans et rejoignez une équipe qui change la donne. Postulez dès aujourd’hui et contribuez à un avenir durable !
Envie de relever les défis multitechniques de demain ?
Alors rejoignez dès à présent nos équipes d'experts, au sein desquelles vous pourrez exercer de nombreuses responsabilités et vos connaissances techniques mises en pratique. Et ce, dans un environnement de travail passionnant et innovant !
Vous aurez également l’occasion de découvrir les technologies de demain afin d’aider nos clients dans les trois grandes transitions actuelles : la transition énergétique, la transition industrielle et la transition digitale.
Mais ce n’est pas tout, rejoindre Equans, c'est aussi :
- un salaire compétitif, conforme à votre formation et expérience
- de belles opportunités de formation et de développement
- une assurance groupe, hospitalisation
- des écochèques, chèques-repas, 13ème mois, pécule de vacances
- une voiture de société
- un smartphone avec abonnement, intervention internet
- des congés RTT
Nous avons hâte de vous rencontrer !
Cette description vous colle-t-elle à la peau et vous souhaitez plus de renseignements ? Contactez notre collègue RH Sébastien Phiri - [email protected] -
Salesforce Field Service Business Partner
What if you got the opportunity to implement and optimize the Salesforce Field Service solution to provide an even better response to the needs of our colleagues and clients?
As part of the rollout of Salesforce Field Service across our various sites, we are looking for a Salesforce Field Service Business Partner. This role will help digitize our service processes and improve efficiency, quality and customer satisfaction within our organization.
What will you do?
As Salesforce Field Service Business Partner, you will be responsible for implementing and optimizing the Salesforce Field Service solution within our organization. You will ensure an efficient and standardized rollout of the tool to both existing and new teams. You work closely with various stakeholders to optimally align the application with the needs of our technicians, managers and customers. You do this by analyzing the process, identifying adjustments and further improving the tool.
- onboarding and implementation: familiarize yourself with the existing Salesforce Field Service application and learn the processes and systems
- analysis and optimization: investigate the needs of different departments and stakeholders, identifying improvements to make the tool more efficient and user-friendly
- uniform rollout: ensure that the tool is rolled out uniformly across all teams, aiming to create consistent working methods
- stakeholder management: collaborate with technicians, team leaders, IT, and other stakeholders to ensure the tool exceeds expectations and helps solve any issues
- customer-oriented processes: improve the customer-oriented functionality of the application, including maintenance planning, reporting, and SLA tracking
- training and support: provide training and support to employees so they can make the most of the tool
- continuous improvement: monitor the tool’s performance and constantly seek opportunities to improve both the application and processes
What do you bring?
- proven experience in implementing and optimizing Salesforce Field Service or similar tools
- experience in a Business Partner role, preferably within a technical or service-oriented organization
- strong analytical skills and experience in process optimization
- knowledge of project management methodologies is a plus
- affinity with digital environments and experience in improving tools and processes
- strong communication skills and the ability to effectively collaborate with different stakeholders
- result-oriented, proactive attitude and a hands-on mentality
Want to tackle tomorrow’s multi-technical challenges with us?
Then join our experts in the various innovative and exciting projects of Equans. You get the opportunity to use your technical skills as well as to discover cutting-edge technologies and help customers in the 3 major transitions of today: the energy transition, the industrial transition and the digital transition.
Joining Equans is more than that! You also get:
- a competitive salary in line with your education and experience
- interesting training and career opportunities
- the opportunity to play a key role in the digitization of our service activities and contribute to the improvement of our customer satisfaction
- a collegial and open working environment within the operational teams where we support each other and celebrate successes together
- group-, hospitalization-, disability insurance
- eco & meal vouchers, representation allowance, 13th month, holiday pay
- concessionary travel, lease car (with fuel card/charging card), bicycle lease plan
- smartphone with subscription, internet fee
- additional paid leave, seniority leave, homeworking
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Does this description fit you and would you like more information? Contact our HR colleague Erwin Verniers - [email protected] -
Fitter / Plumber
EQUANS are recruiting for a Fitter / Plumber to be based at the Queen Alexandra Hospital. This is a permanent, full-time role working 37.5 hours per week. On offer is a salary banding of £34,000 to £36,000 plus a shift allowance of £3,581 per annum. In addition you will receive an excellent benefits package.
What will you deliver?
- Support the Estates Management in the provision of a 24hr maintenance Service within the Portsmouth Hospital Trust for the service provider.
- Undertake any training as required
- Promote a culture of customer service to both internal and external customers and partners and to liaise with other departments regarding maintenance issues if required
- Undertake any other reasonable tasks and duties relevant to the post
- After suitable training and guidance diagnose faults, repair, and maintain complex equipment in accordance with Health Technical Memorandum (HTM’s) and other specialised hospital equipment.
- Carry out the work of other trades where there is an interface to the work in hand with a level of competence that is outside core trade.
- To carry a radio or pager to facilitate immediate response.
- Work in highly unpleasant working conditions, unblocking drains and sewers, which include biological hazards of body fluids and noxious fumes.
- To work safely on steam and hot water systems
- To always observe statutory and other relevant requirements those relating to the Health & Safety at Work Act, COSHH regulations and Electrical IEE regulations.
What can we offer you?
On offer is a salary banding of £34,000 to £36,000 plus a shift allowance of £3,581 per annum. In addition you will receive an excellent benefits package, which includes;
- Pension Scheme
- 25 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to 1.5 times annual salary
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
Who are we looking for?
- Recognised CITB apprenticeship or approved equivalent and City & Guilds Craft Certificate relevant to the trade or similar recognised trade certificate
- Minimum Level 3 NVQ or relevant experience.
- Relevant trade experience
- Working in a hospital environment
- Working on specialist hospital equipment
- Knowledge of other trades
- Knowledge of HTM’s
Who are we?
EQUANS is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, EQUANS is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
EQUANS’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
EQUANS is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The EQUANS Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to EQUANS Managers.
Multi skilled operative
Equans is looking for a Multi Skilled Operative to join our team in Leeds, on a permanent basis. This is a full-time role working 40 hours per week. On offer is a competitive salary, company van and benefits package.
Main Purpose of the Role
The Multi-Skilled Operative is responsible for carrying out repairs and maintenance work on homes and properties. This role operates in a multi-skilled environment, delivering high standards of customer care and satisfaction. The operative ensures that all tasks are completed efficiently and to a high standard, often in a single visit.
What will you deliver?
- Execute all types of repair, maintenance, and refurbishment tasks in a multi-skilled capacity.
- Complete repairs and maintenance across various trade disciplines where competent.
- Attend and complete repair appointments punctually and within target times, aiming for first-time resolution.
- Ensure the safe use and condition of company tools, equipment, and fleet vehicles.
- Diagnose necessary remedial work, organise appointments, and arrange required materials as needed.
- Minimise disruption to customers' homes, maintaining cleanliness and tidiness during and after tasks.
- Participate in the company's out-of-hours emergency repair and maintenance rota as required.
- Ensure all work is completed to high standards and in line with client specifications and requirements.
What can we offer you?
On offer is a competitive salary, company van and benefits package, which includes;
- 24 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to 1.5 times annual salary
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Holiday purchase scheme
- 2 corporate social responsibility days per year
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
- Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
- Access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Persons Network) and our Disability Network
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
Who are we looking for?
- Level 2 Building Maintenance Multi-Trade Repair and Refurbishment Operations or equivalent.
- Valid CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) card.
- NVQ level 2 / City and Guilds qualifications in key trades (Plumbing, Carpentry, Plastering, Joinery etc)
- Basic knowledge of Health & Safety regulations in Construction
- Current valid driving license
- Appropriate level of experience within building construction and repairs and maintenance.
- Knowledge of Health and Safety legislation.
Who are we?
Equans is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, Equans is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
Equans’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
Equans is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The Equans Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to Equans Managers
HR Advisor
EQUANS are recruiting for a HR Advisor (12 month FTC) to cover our sites in Yorkshire, predominantly working from our Regional Offices in Leeds and Rotherham. This is a fixed term (12 months) full-time role working 37.5 hours per week. On offer is a competitive salary and benefits package.
This role offers working from home 1 day per week.
General Overview:
The role holder will be responsible for the provision of HR advisory guidance, supporting the business with its people agenda by delivering a commercially focused pragmatic service throughout the employee journey.
What will you deliver?
- Be an internal expert, providing generalist HR advice and practical support to managers on all people management and employment law issues whilst ensuring these processes are conducted in accordance with the ethos and values of EQUANS
- Support with the month end reporting process ensuring that data is collated, accurate and provided on time
- Disseminating of written and verbal communications, reports, policies and processes, and updates on progress against people objectives
- Advice on early-stage grievance / disciplinary action including attendance at hearings
- Ensuring attendance management is pro-actively monitored, agreeing plans to improve with line managers, supporting delivery of plans and escalating issues as required
- Support the delivery of HR objectives, taking ownership of ad hoc projects as and when directed, such as talent planning, TUPE, employee engagement programmes etc
- Update and maintain the HR system, as appropriate, and ensure new starters and existing employees are trained on system functionality
- Robust onboarding programme and provision of relevant support provided to employees throughout the employee journey
- Act as a change champion, supporting the successful implementation of engagement programmes
- Working collaboratively with key stakeholders, facilitate the recruitment process by providing advice and support on the best way to resource
What can we offer you?
On offer is a competitive salary and benefits package, which includes;
- Pension Scheme
- 24 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to 1 times annual salary
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
Who are we looking for?
- Strong HR generalist experience preferably with CIPD level 5 qualification
- Confident communicator with a wide range of communication tools and mechanisms (verbal, written, remote)
- Analytical thinker with attention to detail
- Self-motivated but also able to work as part of a team
- Skilled time manager who can balance conflicting demands
- Good understanding of the construction and/or facility management industry
- The role requires some travel across the region
Who are we?
EQUANS is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, EQUANS is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
EQUANS’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
EQUANS is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
For more information about EQUANS, please visit:
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The EQUANS Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to EQUANS Managers.
Facilities Administrator
Equans is a renowned energies & services contractor and a proud member of the Bouygues global industrial group. Our expertise spans the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings and critical infrastructure worldwide.
We have an exciting opportunity for a Facilities Administrator to join our facilities team working on our Greater Manchester Police maintenance contract based at Eccles police station providing administrative support to various police stations across Greater Manchester. This is a permanent full-time position working 40 hours per week, Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm.
The role:
- Reporting to the Business Performance Manager
- To provide effective and efficient administrative compliance support for the contract
- Identify client requirements through telephone, CAFM Helpdesk system, and e-mail communications.
- Raise and manage to completion PPM and reactive work orders in the CAFM System to deliver KPIs.
- Produce quotations, chase approvals and arrange for work to be carried out via raising purchase orders to subcontractors and arranging for access to the Site.
- To prepare reports and documents as required and maintain confidentiality at all times
- To work along site the management team to provide support as required on the contract
The person:
- Experience in a similar role providing effective administration support
- Knowledge of Maximo database or similar CAFM system an advantage
- Excellent communication skills, both oral and written
- Able to work as both part of a team and autonomously
- Must have good IT skills (able to use Microsoft Office and management systems)
- Experience of production and maintenance of reporting
- Well organised and able to prioritise workload
- Ability to multi-task in a busy work environment
Our excellent benefits package includes:
- Generous holiday allowance
- Company share scheme
- 2 paid volunteering days a year
- Cycle to work scheme
- Season ticket loan
- Employee assistance programme
Who are we?
EQUANS is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, EQUANS is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
EQUANS’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
EQUANS is a Bouygues group company.
What’s next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The EQUANS Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to EQUANS Managers.
Trainee Quantity Surveyor
EQUANS are recruiting for a Trainee Quantity Surveyor to be based in Leeds, Rotherham or Doncaster for a September start. This is a permanent full-time role working 40 hours per week. On offer is a Degree Apprenticeship with day release and University Fees paid, a competitive salary and benefits package.
General Overview:
To proactively support the QS / Senior QS on the successful management and control all aspects of the commercial / financial and contractual elements of the designated projects in order to control and maximise the company’s profitability, protect the companies legal and contractual obligations under the contract and to manage proactively the control of all commercial issues. This is to include assisting with the preparation and administration of monthly applications and sub-contractor accounts in line with our contractual obligations and Commitments to Subcontractors. In addition, the support and assistance in ensuring cost reports and the like are managed, completed on time and monitored. Understand, implement and adhere to company SHEQ policy and strategy.
What will you deliver?
- To assist the QS with commercial administration and management on a number of live projects or projects at pre-construction phase
- To measure all works accurately
- Assist QS department in the preparation of final accounts
- To attend college or further education (where offered or applicable) in line with company procedures
- General day to day administrative duties
- Preparation of documentation and the like for valuation, procurement or commercial administration
- Assisting and liaising with the buyers on materials procurement and buying opportunities
- To support the QS in the management the day to day cost control, monitoring and reporting
What can we offer you?
On offer is a competitive salary and benefits package, which includes;
- Pension Scheme
- 24 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to 1.5 times annual salary
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
Who are we looking for?
- GCSE Maths & English
- Construction based BTEC or NVQ / A levels
- HND/ HNC Level, in a relevant construction acknowledged course.
- Competent with all Microsoft packages and IT.
EQUANS is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, EQUANS is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
EQUANS’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
EQUANS is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The EQUANS Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to EQUANS Managers.