Stagiaire Chargé(e) d'affaires Projet Data Center (H/F)
Bouygues Energies & Services filiale d'Equans Europe Centrale recherche son/sa futur(e) Stagiaire Chargé(e) d'affaires Projet Data Center (H/F) pour ses activités Datacenters.
La Business Unit (BU) Data Centers France assure pour le groupe EQUANS, le développement commercial, le montage et le pilotage de la réalisation de grands projets « clé en main » réalisés en partenariats internes avec nos agences de travaux.
Cliquer ici pour découvrir les enjeux des Data Centers et ici pour découvrir la marque Equans Data Centers.
Notre BU est fortement impliquée dans le développement Français et Européen du groupe Equans sur ce marché en plein essor, dont la demande ne cesse de croitre.
Au sein du pôle Design & Commerce, et sous la responsabilité du Responsable Commercial, vous interviendrez sur les affaires auxquelles la BU Data Center répond.
Dans ce cadre, vous assurez les missions suivantes :
- Analyse technique d’une affaire ;
- Participation à la coordination de l’étude de prix ;
- Participation à la préparation des offres ;
- Participation avec le design manager à la coordination et la production du design suivant le calendrier ;
- Participation à la gestion contractuelle, au suivi de la qualité, au respect du planning.
Et si c’était vous ?
Dans le cadre de votre formation de niveau Bac+5 (parcours Ingénieur ou Master 2) avec une dominante en Gestion de projet et/ou Electricité ou CVC, vous êtes à la recherche d’un stage d'une durée de 6 mois.
Vous êtes rigoureux(se), organisé(e) et pragmatique. Vous aimez le travail en équipe et avez un bon sens de l’observation.
Un niveau d’anglais B2/C1 est requis.
Poste basé à GUYANCOURT (78) au siège social de Bouygues Energies et Services - Bâtiment Triangle Nord.
Des déplacements professionnels occasionnels sont à prévoir sur Marseille.
Ce poste est fait pour vous ? Alors rejoignez-nous !
Un dernier point pour vous convaincre de nous rejoindre ?
Venir chez nous, c’est intégrer un grand Groupe, tout en travaillant dans des équipes à taille humaine.
Alors, envie de faire partie de l’aventure Equans ?
Nous vous offrons :
- Une opportunité de rejoindre une équipe motivée et passionnée par son métier
- La participation au développement d’une activité en France et à l’international dans un secteur en expansion
- Une expérience dans une entreprise reconnue à la fois pour son excellence opérationnelle et pour sa capacité à innover
- Un environnement organisé à taille humaine encourageant la proximité et la bienveillance
- Un modèle managérial fondé sur l’intelligence collective et la responsabilisation de chacun
- Une politique de mobilité attractive au sein du Groupe et des parcours carrières offrant des évolutions professionnelles multi-métiers et passerelles emplois (filières techniques, projets, affaires)
- Une offre de formation présentielle et numérique ouverte à tous
- Les salariés sont les premiers actionnaires du Groupe
Chez Equans, ce sont vos qualités humaines qui enrichissent nos entreprises !
Equans garantit l’égalité des chances pour tous et la diversité
Equans promeut la diversité et s’engage à lutter contre toute forme de discrimination dans nos environnements de travail.
L’insertion, la mixité, le soutien et l’accompagnement des jeunes, des seniors, des personnes en situation de handicap sont au cœur de notre politique ressources humaines.
En savoir plus sur Equans :
Plus de 90 000 collaborateurs contribuent à l’aventure Equans à travers le monde. Concepteurs, intégrateurs et mainteneurs de solutions multi-techniques, tous sont engagés sur l’ensemble de la chaine de valeur (financement, études, installation, maintenance, contrats de performance). Répartis dans 413 agences sur l’ensemble du territoire français et aussi à l’international, l’exigence et la bienveillance sont au cœur de notre culture de la performance.
Notre mission ? Au sein d’Equans, nos équipes, pour qui la santé et la sécurité au travail sont une priorité absolue, sont engagées pour accompagner leurs clients dans leurs transitions énergétique, industrielle et numérique et relever ainsi le défi de la décarbonation et notre économie. Pour cela, nos équipes connectent, protègent et alimentent en flux énergétiques et numériques les territoires, les villes, les bâtiments, les industriels et les infrastructures de transports.
Experts dans 7 domaines – Génie électrique, Génie climatique, Réfrigération, Protection incendie, IT et télécommunications, Solutions digitales, Facility Management et Maintenance multi-tchnique - la complémentarité de nos activités témoigne de notre capacité à innover et à nous adapter pour fournir des services à forte valeur ajoutée pour nos clients.
Enraciné dans une histoire plus que centenaire issue des sociétés Axima et Ineo, et avec l’intégration récente de Bouygues Energies & Services, le groupe Equans France atteint un chiffre d’affaires de 17,7 Mds d’euros.
Préposé à l'entretien industriel - Aéroport de Montréal (YUL)
Equans est à la recherche d’un préposé à l'entretien industriel ou d'une préposée pour l'aéroport de Montréal!
Atouts (communauté aéroportuaire)
- Stationnement gratuit sur place
- Possibilité d’évoluer au sein de la compagnie
- Santé et sécurité au travail est la priorité numéro un pour l'entreprise
- Uniformes fournis
- Cafétéria climatisée
- Café gratuit!
Ce que nous vous offrons chez Services Equans Inc.
- Les assurances collectives dès votre embauche
- Nous croyons à l’importance de la diversité et inclusion
- Équilibre travail et vie personnelle
- Un régime de retraite
- Un programme de bonification
- Stationnement, outils de travail, certains équipements fournis.
(Note: L'utilisation du genre masculin a été adoptée comme générique, dans le seul but de ne pas alourdir le texte.)
Le groupe Equans est un leader mondial du secteur des énergies et services. Le Groupe est implanté dans 20 pays et compte 90 000 collaborateurs répartis sur 5 continents.
Equans conçoit, installe et fournit des solutions sur mesure pour améliorer les équipements, les systèmes et les processus techniques de ses clients et optimiser leur utilisation dans le contexte de leurs transitions énergétique, industrielle et numérique. Depuis 2022, Equans fait partie du groupe Bouygues.
Actif au Canada et aux Etats-Unis depuis plus de 30 ans, Equans Services est le partenaire des entreprises, industriels et institutions qui souhaitent tendre vers des bâtiments plus connectés, gérer leurs installations de manière efficace et réduire leur empreinte carbone.
Nous concevons, installons et maintenons des solutions sur mesure pour améliorer les installations, les systèmes et les infrastructures de nos clients.
Nos offres principales se concentrent dans les domaines suivants :
- Gestion intégrée d’actifs et d’installations (Integrated Facility Management) ;
- Opération et maintenance de bâtiments et d’équipements ;
- Solutions d’efficacité énergétiques et plan de décarbonation ;
- Automatisation des bâtiments ;
- Solutions pour le transport et la mobilité.
Pour en savoir plus, visitez
Sommaire du poste
Sous l'autorité du chef groupe fiabilité, le préposé à l’entretien accomplit divers travaux manuels ayant trait à l'entretien, la maintenance et à l’opération du système de tri bagages. Il doit aussi participer aux activités visant à améliorer la fiabilité des équipements.
- Effectuer les travaux d’entretien général tel que réparation de voiturettes, réparation d’échelles et des chariots élévateurs;
- Exécuter la maintenance préventive des ATRS, des voiturettes et des chariots élévateurs;
- Informer le chef d’équipe de toute défectuosité ou bruit anormal;
- Assister les techniciens lors de la maintenance préventive et corrective des différents équipements de la salle de tri bagages;
- Lire, comprendre et interpréter les schémas électriques des équipements;
- Remplacer à l’occasion les techniciens pendant les vacances ou les congés;
- Effectuer divers travaux d’installation, de modification, de réparation ou de nettoyage dans la salle de tri bagages;
- Effectuer les tâches de peinture et réparation de revêtements de murs et planchers de tous les espaces physiques;
- Participer activement à l’amélioration continue dans le but d’améliorer la fiabilité du système par l’entremise des suggestions d’amélioration;
- Appliquer les règles de santé sécurité et respecter les bonnes pratiques lors de l’exécution des tâches;
- Effectuer toute autre tâche connexe nécessitée par ses fonctions ou demandée par son supérieur immédiat;
- Respecter les règles 5S appliquées sur l’ensemble des activités du groupe fiabilité.
- Être autorisé à travailler au Canada;
- DEP technique (électromécanique ou mécanique d’entretien)
- Avoir un minimum de deux (2) à trois (3) années d’expériences significatives
- Apte à se qualifier à une enquête de sécurité au niveau requis
- Apte à se qualifier à un examen de connaissances techniques
- Grande souplesse et adaptabilité, disponibilité pour travailler à des heures rotatives.
- Capacité d'adaptation.
- Jugement, souci du travail bien fait.
- Souci aigu du service à la clientèle.
- Autonomie, sens de l’organisation et des priorités.
- Dynamisme, esprit d'équipe.
Équité en emploi
Services Equans Inc. souscrit aux principes d'égalité en emploi et invite donc les femmes, les autochtones, les membres des minorités visibles, des minorités ethniques et les personnes handicapées à soumettre leur candidature.
Ce défi vous intéresse? Nous aimerions faire votre connaissance et nous remercions toutes les personnes qui poseront leur candidature.
Alternance Data Engineer - Domaine RH (H/F)
Au sein de la SLS (Shared Line of Service) DATA et sous la responsabilité du Responsable data du domaine RH, il/elle participera à toutes les étapes du processus d'intégration des données dans plateforme data d'EQUANS (PALANTIR) et de leurs usages.
Il/elle contribuera à l'efficacité du métier RH dans ses actions de développement de ses collaborateurs à travers un reporting de bonne qualité.
Les missions incluent dans ce poste (mais ne sont pas limitées à) :
- Il/elle contribue à la connexion des systèmes locaux à la plateforme data.
- Il/elle participe à l'intégration des données des systèmes locaux dans la plateforme data.
- Il/elle participe aux suivis des développements pour les cas d'usages (interfaces vers d'autres applications ou reporting).
- Il/elle participe à la mise en place d'indicateurs de qualité de données.
- Il/elle participe à la mise en place et animations de formations à destination du métier RH sur la plateforme data.
- En fonction des opportunités et de ses affinités, il/elle pourra également travailler sur des projets transverses liés à la data.
Le profil que nous recherchons :
- Étudiant(e) en Master en programmation ou développement ou IT ou similaire
- Nous sommes également ouverts aux personnes qui se réorientent vers la Data et qui ont une expérience en RH qui apporterait une vue et connaissance des besoins du métier RH
- Une expérience ou des connaissances sur PALANTIR seront un avantage
- Bonne maîtrise de l'anglais pour travailler en anglais au quotidien
- Esprit curieux, proactif et engagé
Stage | Ingénieur automation
Et si tu rejoignais une équipe d'experts en automation pour un stage au cœur des projets techniques d’Equans à Fleurus ?
Tu es prêt·e à faire tes premiers pas dans le monde de l’automation et à découvrir un environnement technique passionnant ? Equans est là pour t'accompagner dans cette aventure !
En tant que stagiaire dans le département EIAD d’Equans, tu apprends aux côtés de professionnels expérimentés qui t’aideront à développer tes compétences dans la gestion et le suivi de systèmes automatisés.
Prêt·e à relever le défi ?
- tu collabores avec les équipes et les clients pour le suivi des systèmes automatisés :
- accompagnement au diagnostic des pannes
- analyse et apprentissage quant à la résolution de problèmes techniques
- participation à la remise en service des systèmes sous la supervision de nos experts
- tu prends part à des petits projets, comme la conception, la programmation et la mise en service de systèmes automatisés
- tu apprends le fonctionnement et la configuration des produits utilisés dans nos projets
Un stage fait pour toi ?
- tu suis actuellement une formation d’Ingénieur avec une orientation technique : automation, électromécanique, etc.
- tu te sens confortable avec la suite Microsoft 365 (Word, Excel, Outlook)
- tu as envie de découvrir des systèmes de programmation tels que PLC Siemens S7, Tia Portal, Wonderware Intouch ou d’autres technologies similaires (pas de panique, nous t’accompagnerons)
- tu aimes trouver des solutions, et tu es motivé·e pour relever des défis techniques
- tu respectes les règles de sécurité que l’on te communiquera avec sérieux
- tu apprécies le travail en équipe et tu n'hésites pas à poser des questions pour t'améliorer
- tu parles couramment le français et si tu as quelques notions d'anglais, c'est un plus
Envoie-nous rapidement ton CV et ton projet de stage ou propose-nous d’en développer un ensemble !
Un stage chez Equans, c’est choisir une expérience au sein d'une entreprise tournée vers l'avenir, active dans un environnement international dynamique et leader mondial en tant que prestataire de services multitechniques. Mais aussi :
- collaborer avec nos équipes expérimentées et motivées pour relever les défis énergétiques de demain en participant aux projets innovants d'Equans
- découvrir les valeurs fortes de notre culture d'entreprise, où l'ouverture, le respect mutuel et la diversité sont des aspects fondamentaux
- réaliser un stage composé de missions concrètes et enrichissantes, en lien avec ta formation, qui apportent une réelle contribution à l'entreprise
- l'opportunité de travailler avec nos experts dans un environnement professionnel, afin de développer davantage tes compétences techniques
- une occasion unique de faire tes premiers pas dans le monde professionnel et de construire à terme une belle carrière chez nous…
Nous avons hâte de t’accueillir !
Ce stage te colle-t-il à la peau et tu souhaites plus de renseignements ? Contacte vite notre collègue RH Lien Minnebier – [email protected]
! N’oublie pas d’ajouter ton CV !
Part time Morning Cleaner
Equans is looking for a Part time Morning Cleaner to join our team in Eastgate House, Cardiff CF24 0AB, on a permanent basis working 10 hours per week. On offer is a salary of £11.44 per hour and benefits package.
Shift Pattern:
Monday to Friday 7am - 9am
What will you deliver?
As the on-site Cleaner, you’ll keep the building clean and tidy to the highest standard of hygiene, health and safety whilst maintaining a professional manner with all members of staff and general public.
For this role you must undergo BPSS level vetting. Part of this includes DBS clearance therefore ability to pass is essential.
BPSS Quick Guide
In order to meet our customers requirements, the post holder must go through Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS). This is a form of Security Clearance set out by the Government which goes through several checks.
These checks typically include:
- Identity Verification: Passport, photo ID, birth certificate, etc.
- Employment History (past 3 years): Any gaps will require HMRC statements for the period in question.
- Right to Work Status in the UK: Citizenship or valid share code.
- Unspent Criminal Record: Disclosure of any unspent convictions.
- Significant Periods Abroad: Any periods of 6+ months spent abroad in the past 3 years.
What we offer.
- Paid days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to X1.5 times annual salary
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Holiday purchase scheme
- 2 corporate social responsibility days per year
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
- Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
- Access to our growing employee networks including Accessibility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), Women Together (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
Who are we looking for?
- Previous experience as a Cleaner
- At least one years experience within customer focused environment.
- Current DBS (Ideally no older than 12 months)
- Ability to acquire BPSS vetting
Who are we?
Equans is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, Equans is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
Equans’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
Equans is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
As part our commitment to better reflect the markets within which we operate, we encourage applications from women, ethnically diverse individuals and people with disabilities, along with all candidates who identify with protected characteristic groups under the Equality Act 2010.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is a business priority, we know we have work to do, and we are accelerating our commitment to become a more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace. We currently have six employee led networks, who work closely with our DE&I team to influence policy, promote awareness, and deliver cultural event.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you'll find a welcoming and open workplace where you're supported and encouraged to be your true self at work.
You'll also have access to our growing employee networks including accessibility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), Women Together (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The Equans Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to Equans Managers.
Part Time Afternoon Cleaner
Equans is looking for a Part time Evening Cleaner to join our team in Cardiff Magistrates Court, Cardiff CF24 4OZ on a permanent basis working 20 hours per week. On offer is a salary of £11.79 per hour and benefits package.
Shift Pattern: Monday to Friday 15:00 - 19:00pm
What will you deliver?
As the on-site Cleaner, you’ll keep the building clean and tidy to the highest standard of hygiene, health and safety whilst maintaining a professional manner with all members of staff and general public.
For this role you must undergo BPSS level vetting. Part of this includes DBS clearance therefore ability to pass is essential.
BPSS Quick Guide
In order to meet our customers requirements, the post holder must go through Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS). This is a form of Security Clearance set out by the Government which goes through several checks.
These checks typically include:
- Identity Verification: Passport, photo ID, birth certificate, etc.
- Employment History (past 3 years): Any gaps will require HMRC statements for the period in question.
- Right to Work Status in the UK: Citizenship or valid share code.
- Unspent Criminal Record: Disclosure of any unspent convictions.
- Significant Periods Abroad: Any periods of 6+ months spent abroad in the past 3 years.
What we offer.
- Paid days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to X1.5 times annual salary
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Holiday purchase scheme
- 2 corporate social responsibility days per year
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
- Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
- Access to our growing employee networks including Accessibility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), Women Together (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
Who are we looking for?
- Previous experience as a Cleaner
- At least one years experience within customer focused environment.
- Current DBS (Ideally no older than 12 months)
- Ability to acquire BPSS vetting
Who are we?
Equans is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, Equans is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
Equans’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
Equans is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
As part our commitment to better reflect the markets within which we operate, we encourage applications from women, ethnically diverse individuals and people with disabilities, along with all candidates who identify with protected characteristic groups under the Equality Act 2010.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is a business priority, we know we have work to do, and we are accelerating our commitment to become a more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace. We currently have six employee led networks, who work closely with our DE&I team to influence policy, promote awareness, and deliver cultural event.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you'll find a welcoming and open workplace where you're supported and encouraged to be your true self at work.
You'll also have access to our growing employee networks including accessibility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), Women Together (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The Equans Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to Equans Managers.
Part Time Morning Cleaner
Equans is looking for a Part time Morning Cleaner to join our team in Haverfordwest Magistrates & County Court, SA61 2AZ on a permanent basis working 10 hours per week. On offer is a salary of £11.79 per hour and benefits package.
Shift Pattern:
Monday to Friday 7am - 9am
What will you deliver?
As the on-site Cleaner, you’ll keep the building clean and tidy to the highest standard of hygiene, health and safety whilst maintaining a professional manner with all members of staff and general public.
For this role you must undergo BPSS level vetting. Part of this includes DBS clearance therefore ability to pass is essential.
BPSS Quick Guide
In order to meet our customers requirements, the post holder must go through Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS). This is a form of Security Clearance set out by the Government which goes through several checks.
These checks typically include:
- Identity Verification: Passport, photo ID, birth certificate, etc.
- Employment History (past 3 years): Any gaps will require HMRC statements for the period in question.
- Right to Work Status in the UK: Citizenship or valid share code.
- Unspent Criminal Record: Disclosure of any unspent convictions.
- Significant Periods Abroad: Any periods of 6+ months spent abroad in the past 3 years.
What we offer.
- Paid days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to X1.5 times annual salary
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Holiday purchase scheme
- 2 corporate social responsibility days per year
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
- Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
- Access to our growing employee networks including Accessibility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), Women Together (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
Who are we looking for?
- Previous experience as a Cleaner
- At least one years experience within customer focused environment.
- Current DBS (Ideally no older than 12 months)
- Ability to acquire BPSS vetting
Who are we?
Equans is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, Equans is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
Equans’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
Equans is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
As part our commitment to better reflect the markets within which we operate, we encourage applications from women, ethnically diverse individuals and people with disabilities, along with all candidates who identify with protected characteristic groups under the Equality Act 2010.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is a business priority, we know we have work to do, and we are accelerating our commitment to become a more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace. We currently have six employee led networks, who work closely with our DE&I team to influence policy, promote awareness, and deliver cultural event.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you'll find a welcoming and open workplace where you're supported and encouraged to be your true self at work.
You'll also have access to our growing employee networks including accessibility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), Women Together (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The Equans Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to Equans Managers.
Multi Site Caretaker
Equans is looking for a Multi Site Caretaker to join our team across Retford Schools, including St Giles School, DN22 7NJ on a permanent basis. This is a full time role working 40 hours per week. On offer is a salary of £24,903 per annum and benefits package.
Shift times:
Alternating weekly pattern.
Week 1 - 6am to 2:30pm
Week 2 - 10:30am to 7pm
For this role you must undergo a DBS clearance therefore ability to pass is essential.
What will you deliver?
- The role provides support across several education and leisure facilities where EQUANS provide services such as: maintenance; cleaning; porterage; and maintenance of the external site, including preparations for seasonal changes to the outside areas.
- This role expects you to be a key holder and to deliver the full range of caretaking, maintenance, and ad-hoc cleaning duties, with responsibility of securing the site. You should have a keen eye for detail and be able to demonstrate a practical knowledge of DIY skills.
What can we offer you?
- 24 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to X1.5 times annual salary
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Holiday purchase scheme
- 2 corporate social responsibility days per year
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
- Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
- Access to our growing employee networks including AccessAbility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), Women Together (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
Who are we looking for?
• Demonstrate experience of practical maintenance skills, such as joinery, decorating;
• Physically fit, to enable such duties as: manual handling; working at height; mobility around large sites
over various terrains;
• Flexible approach: to provide occasional overtime, weekend cover for lettings and additional school use;
• Consistently wear the uniform, personal protective clothing provided. Be well presented at all times;
• Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) clearance is a prerequisite of the position. EQUANS will take up an enhanced DBS once an offer is made;
• You will need to use your own vehicle to travel between sites, as required, which must have with
Business commuting insurance cover, and a valid driving license in order to claim travel expenses
Who are we?
Equans is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, Equans is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
Equans’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
Equans is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
As part our commitment to better reflect the markets within which we operate, we encourage applications from women, ethnically diverse individuals and people with disabilities, along with all candidates who identify with protected characteristic groups under the Equality Act 2010.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you'll find a welcoming and open workplace where you're supported and encouraged to be your true self at work.
You'll also have access to our growing employee networks including AccessAbility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), Women Together (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The Equans Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to Equans Managers.
Premises Assistant
Equans is looking for a Premises Assistant to join our team on a permanent basis in HM Revenue and Customs, Central London, SW1A 2BQ. This is a full-time role working 40 hours per week. On offer is a salary of £27,000 - £28.500 per annum depending on skills and experience and benefits package.
Shift pattern:
8 hours a days starting between 07:00 and 09:00 depending on business requirements.
What will you deliver as a Premises Assistant.
The successful candidate will be required to complete daily checks on meeting rooms and general fabric items as well as respond to reactive request. The role will be responsible for ensuring meeting rooms are correctly setup at the start of the day and any requests for changes in layout are completed before the start of the meeting. Other duties will include daily inspections or the building to ensure the common areas are maintained to the standard expected.
What can we offer you?
- Paid days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to X1.5 times annual salary
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Holiday purchase scheme
- 2 corporate social responsibility days per year
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
- Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
- Access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Persons Network) and our Disability Network
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
Who are we looking for?
- Organised and able to work on own initiative.
- Either has CTC clearance or able to gain CTC clearance.
- Practical approach to maintenance tasks
- Previous building maintenance experience of working on Maximo CAFM system
- Experience working on PFI contracts
Who are we?
Equans is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros. In the UK & Ireland, Equans is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
Equans’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
Equans is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The Equans Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to Equans Managers.
Part Time Morning Cleaner
Equans is looking for a Part time Morning Cleaner to join our team in Bexley Magistrates Court, Bexleyheath DA6 7ND, on a permanent basis working 10 hours per week. On offer is a salary of £12.10 per hour and benefits package.
Shift Pattern:
Monday to Friday 6am - 8am
What will you deliver?
As the on-site Cleaner, you’ll keep the building clean and tidy to the highest standard of hygiene, health and safety whilst maintaining a professional manner with all members of staff and general public.
For this role you must undergo BPSS level vetting. Part of this includes DBS clearance therefore ability to pass is essential.
BPSS Quick Guide
In order to meet our customers requirements, the post holder must go through Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS). This is a form of Security Clearance set out by the Government which goes through several checks.
These checks typically include:
- Identity Verification: Passport, photo ID, birth certificate, etc.
- Employment History (past 3 years): Any gaps will require HMRC statements for the period in question.
- Right to Work Status in the UK: Citizenship or valid share code.
- Unspent Criminal Record: Disclosure of any unspent convictions.
- Significant Periods Abroad: Any periods of 6+ months spent abroad in the past 3 years.
What we offer.
- Paid days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to X1.5 times annual salary
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Holiday purchase scheme
- 2 corporate social responsibility days per year
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
- Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
- Access to our growing employee networks including Accessibility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), Women Together (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
Who are we looking for?
- Previous experience as a Cleaner
- At least one years experience within customer focused environment.
- Current DBS (Ideally no older than 12 months)
- Ability to acquire BPSS vetting
Who are we?
Equans is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, Equans is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
Equans’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
Equans is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
As part our commitment to better reflect the markets within which we operate, we encourage applications from women, ethnically diverse individuals and people with disabilities, along with all candidates who identify with protected characteristic groups under the Equality Act 2010.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is a business priority, we know we have work to do, and we are accelerating our commitment to become a more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace. We currently have six employee led networks, who work closely with our DE&I team to influence policy, promote awareness, and deliver cultural event.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you'll find a welcoming and open workplace where you're supported and encouraged to be your true self at work.
You'll also have access to our growing employee networks including accessibility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), Women Together (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The Equans Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to Equans Managers.