Ingénieur Méthodes / Qualiticien H/F – Industrie Nucléaire (Axima Nucléaire)
Avec près de 850 collaborateurs et 145 M€ en 2023 de chiffre d’affaires, Axima Nucléaire intervient aussi bien en maintenance qu’en travaux pour les grands donneurs d’ordre de l’industrie nucléaire tant en France qu’à l’étranger.
Nos équipes pluridisciplinaires œuvrent au quotidien avec passion et enthousiasme pour relever les défis techniques et énergétiques de demain.
Aujourd’hui, c’est grâce à elles, à leur engagement, à leur esprit d’équipe et à leur expertise, qu’Axima est le leader de la ventilation nucléaire !
Axima Nucléaire, entité d’EQUANS France, recherche son futur
Ingénieur Méthodes / Qualiticien H/F – Industrie Nucléaire
Rattaché(e) à l’atelier de Jarrie (38)
Dans le cadre du développement de notre activité au sein de notre entité spécialisée en ingénierie nucléaire à Lyon, nous recherchons un Ingénieur Méthodes / Qualiticien H/F pour rejoindre notre équipe dédiée à la conception d'équipements spécifiques destinés au secteur nucléaire.
Notre département de développement de machines sur mesure regroupe une équipe expérimentée de 40 collaborateurs, chargée de concevoir des équipements techniques répondant aux exigences strictes de nos clients, principalement des centrales EDF. Ces équipements sont conçus pour résister à des conditions climatiques extrêmes ainsi qu'à des contraintes sismiques sévères, impliquant des études mécaniques et hydrauliques approfondies, réalisées en interne.
En tant qu'ingénieur méthodes/qualité, vous jouerez un rôle clé dans l'optimisation de nos processus de fabrication et serez en étroite collaboration avec les responsables de projets et le Chef d'atelier. Vos missions principales seront :
Vos responsabilités :
- Suivi des fabrications : Organiser et coordonner les flux de production dans l'atelier pour plusieurs projets simultanés.
- Optimisation des processus d'assemblage : Définir une organisation optimisée pour l'assemblage des composants de nos machines.
- Gestion des stocks et approvisionnements : Superviser le stockage et assurer l'approvisionnement des composants nécessaires.
- Mise en place d'outils de gestion de production : Proposer et déployer des outils adaptés pour une gestion optimale de la production.
- Définition des moyens de fabrication : Identifier, approvisionner et mettre en place les moyens, outils et outillages nécessaires à la fabrication.
- Élaboration de gammes et procédures de fabrication : Créer et formaliser les gammes de production et les procédures associées, garantissant la conformité et l'efficacité des processus.
Le poste est basé à Jarrie (38), avec des déplacements ponctuels à prévoir.
Profil recherché :
- Compétences techniques : Expérience dans la gestion de projets industriels, idéalement dans le secteur nucléaire ou des industries fortement réglementées.
- Capacités organisationnelles : Maitrise des techniques d’optimisation des flux de production et des outils de gestion associés.
- Esprit d'analyse et de synthèse : Capacité à définir des méthodes de fabrication efficaces tout en respectant les contraintes techniques et les normes qualité.
- Anglais : Une bonne maîtrise de l'anglais serait un atout pour ce poste.
Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?
Vous intégrerez une équipe à taille humaine où l'expertise et l'innovation sont au cœur de nos réalisations. Vous participerez à des projets d'envergure dans un secteur stratégique, avec des équipements de haute technicité répondant aux plus hauts standards de sécurité et de performance.
Si vous êtes passionné par l’ingénierie dans un environnement exigeant et souhaitez contribuer à la création d’équipements innovants pour le secteur nucléaire, alors envoyez-nous votre candidature !
Un dernier point pour vous convaincre de nous rejoindre ?
Venir chez nous, c’est intégrer un grand Groupe, tout en travaillant dans des équipes à taille humaine soudées et motivées ;
Et bénéficier de nombreux avantages tels que :
- Avantages Groupe : Constitution d’un 13ème mois ; prime congés payés, CSE, tickets restaurant, actionnariat du Groupe, primes de participation et d’intéressement, RTT, véhicule de service ;
- Engagement en faveur de la mobilité durable : prime vélo, prise en charge de l’abonnement de transport à hauteur de 80% ;
- Conserver un équilibre vie professionnelle/vie privée avec la possibilité de télétravailler ;
EQUANS France garantit l’égalité des chances pour tous et la diversité.
EQUANS France s'engage à promouvoir la diversité, l’inclusion et à lutter contre toutes les formes de discriminations à l’accès à l'emploi, à la formation, à la promotion et plus largement dans nos environnements et cadres de travail.
Responsable d'Affaires Sureté (H/F)
Saviez-vous que chez EQUANS France, nos équipes interviennent également au service de la sécurisation de site ?
INEO Infracom, entité d’EQUANS France, recherche son/sa futur
Responsable d’Affaires Sureté (H/F)
Poste en CDI Basé à Nanterre (92)
Expertise et proximité pour EQUANS France, leader des services multi-techniques.
Ineo Infracom fait partie de l’entité EQUANS France. Spécialisée dans le déploiement des infrastructures de télécommunication, la vidéo protection et l’aménagement numérique des territoires, elle compte aujourd’hui 1 700 collaborateurs. Son chiffre d’affaires s’élève à 238 millions d’euros.
Vous rejoindrez le département Infrastructures et vous assurerez la responsabilité d’un portefeuille de clients grands comptes dans les activités telles que la sûreté des sites sensibles ou d’importance vitale, la vidéo-surveillance, le contrôle d’accès, les protections périmétriques et la sûreté des systèmes d’information.
Vos missions principales :
- Vous dirigez l'exécution de projet sur la totalité de leur cycle de vie et sur l'ensemble de leurs dimensions (delivery des solutions dans le calendrier prévu, performance économique, facturation, SLA, …), en vous appuyant sur les différents acteurs internes ou partenaires.
- Vous assurez la relation commerciale avec vos interlocuteurs clients, ce qui vous permet de détecter des opportunités business, le développement du chiffre d'affaires sur votre portefeuille clients est inclus dans vos objectifs.
- Vous pilotez le P&L de vos affaires
- Responsable de la satisfaction client, vous traitez les différentes attentes de vos interlocuteurs clients et mobilisez les acteurs internes ou les partenaires pour y répondre
Vous serez amené(e) à vous déplacer sur la région sur toute le France.
Votre profil :
Issu(e) d'une formation Bac+5 en Informatique/Réseaux ou Télécommunications, vous justifiez d’une expérience réussie dans le pilotage de projet.
Orienté(e) client, vos qualités relationnelles, d’écoute associés à votre capacité d’intégration favoriseront l’essor des affaires sur votre périmètre. Vous superviserez vos projets avec rigueur et pragmatisme dans un objectif de résultats, de performance et d'optimisation.
Vous avez le sens de l'engagement et êtes orienté(e) action/solution.
Autonome, doté(e) d’un véritable esprit d’équipe vous favoriserez une approche collaborative et responsabilisante.
Votre sens du contact, vos compétences techniques et votre aisance commerciale vous aiderons à devenir un partenaire privilégié de nos clients.
Permis B exigé.
Un dernier point pour vous convaincre de nous rejoindre ?
Venir chez nous, c’est intégrer un grand Groupe, tout en travaillant dans des équipes à taille humaine actives et motivées.
Et bien sûr, c’est avoir la possibilité d’être formé(e) régulièrement, comme l’ensemble de nos salarié(e)s.
Alors, envie de faire partie de l’aventure EQUANS France ?
Equans France garantit l’égalité des chances pour tous et la diversité
Equans France promeut la diversité et s’engage à lutter contre toute forme de discrimination dans nos environnements de travail.
L’insertion, la mixité, le soutien et l’accompagnement des jeunes, des seniors, des personnes en situation de handicap sont au cœur de notre politique ressources humaines.
En savoir plus sur Equans France :
Plus de 35 500 collaborateurs contribuent à l’aventure Equans France. Répartis dans plus de 700 agences sur l’ensemble du territoire français et aussi à l’international, l’exigence et la bienveillance sont au cœur de notre culture de la performance.
Notre mission ? Au sein d’Equans France, nos équipes, pour qui la santé et la sécurité au travail sont une priorité absolue, sont engagées pour accompagner leurs clients dans leurs transitions énergétique, industrielle et numérique et relever ainsi le défi de la décarbonation et notre économie. Pour cela, nos équipes connectent, protègent et alimentent en flux énergétiques et numériques les territoires, les villes, les bâtiments, les industriels et les infrastructures de transports.
Experts dans 7 domaines (Génie électrique, Génie climatique, Réfrigération, Sécurité Incendie, IT & télécommunications, Solutions digitales et Facility Management / Maintenance multi technique), la complémentarité de nos activités témoigne de notre capacité à innover et à nous adapter pour fournir des services à forte valeur ajoutée pour nos clients.
Enraciné dans une histoire plus que centenaire issue des sociétés Axima, Ineo & Bouygues Energies & Services ; Equans France atteint un chiffre d’affaires de 6,8 Mds d’euros.
Project Site Coordinator
Et si vous pouviez transformer chaque projet en une œuvre d’art à Braine l’Alleud, où votre expertise en tant que Project Site Coordinator ne se limite pas à superviser et coordonner, mais à sculpter l’avenir du paysage urbain?
Imaginez un rôle où votre influence s’étend bien au-delà des plans et des calculs, où chaque jour est une nouvelle toile pour votre vision technique.
Cela vous parle ?
- vous apportez votre support lors du calcul et de l’élaboration des offres
- vous élaborez des procédures et des spécifications techniques
- vous gérez les contacts et négociations avec les clients au cours de l’exécution du projet
- vous êtes en contact et faites le suivi avec les fournisseurs, sous-traitants et chefs de chantiers
- vous réalisez le suivi technique des projets en détail
Ravis de vous rencontrer !
- vous êtes Ingénieur industriel/bachelier en électromécanique
- vous avez 2 ans d’expérience, ou plus
- une expérience dans les marchés publics est un atout
- des connaissances en informatique réseau sont un atout
- vos compétences analytiques vous permettent d’évaluer correctement des situations et de conserver une vue d’ensemble dans des affaires complexes
- vous avez une approche de terrain et faites preuve d’un esprit pragmatique
- vous démontrez des aptitudes à diriger sur les chantiers
- vous avez le contact facile et êtes orienté résultat
- vous êtes flexible
- vous travaillez de manière autonome dans une organisation orientée équipe
- vous pouvez vous exprimer couramment tant en néerlandais qu’en français
Envie de relever les défis multitechniques de demain ?
Alors rejoignez dès à présent nos équipes d'experts, au sein desquelles vous pourrez exercer de nombreuses responsabilités et vos connaissances techniques mises en pratique. Et ce, dans un environnement de travail passionnant et innovant !
Vous aurez également l’occasion de découvrir les technologies de demain afin d’aider nos clients dans les trois grandes transitions actuelles : la transition énergétique, la transition industrielle et la transition digitale.
Mais ce n’est pas tout, rejoindre Equans, c'est aussi :
- un salaire compétitif, conforme à votre formation et expérience
- de belles opportunités de formation et de développement
- une assurance groupe, hospitalisation
- des écochèques, chèques-repas
- une voiture de société
- un smartphone avec abonnement, intervention internet
- des congés RTT, télétravail
Nous avons hâte de vous rencontrer !
Cette description vous colle-t-elle à la peau et vous souhaitez plus de renseignements ? Contactez notre collègue RH Joy Ernould - [email protected]
Project Manager | Rail
Et si vous pouviez piloter des projets ferroviaires ambitieux et laisser votre empreinte en tant que Project Manager chez Equans ?
Basé à Braine l'Alleud, vous jouez un rôle clé dans la gestion complète de projets à fort impact, de la phase initiale à la livraison finale, en collaboration étroite avec des équipes techniques et des clients exigeants.
Prêt·e à relever ce défi ? Voici ce qui vous attend :
- gestion et exécution de projets de A à Z, en respectant les délais et les exigences techniques
- analyse des cahiers des charges et documents contractuels pour s'assurer de la conformité des commandes
- demandes de prix, comparaisons, et passation de commandes pour le matériel et les contrats de sous-traitance
- développement et suivi des plannings d’exécution des travaux
- participation active aux réunions de chantier et aux réunions clients
- suivi financier rigoureux pour assurer la rentabilité des projets
- respect strict des règles de sécurité et d’environnement sur les sites
- coordination de la réalisation des plans et des schémas techniques
- gestion et motivation d’une équipe composée de dessinateurs, monteurs et techniciens
- développement de dossiers techniques complets, sélection et dimensionnement du matériel
- collaboration étroite avec le client pour proposer les meilleures solutions à leurs besoins
- réalisation de devis et offres sur la base des spécifications clients
Ce que vous apportez :
- diplôme d'Ingénieur industriel ou civil avec une orientation en électromécanique ou électricité
- minimum 5 ans d’expérience en gestion de projets d’installation, idéalement dans le secteur ferroviaire
- compétences en management d'équipe et le goût du travail collaboratif
- sens de l'organisation, flexibilité, et approche proactive
- forte attention à la qualité, la sécurité, et les résultats
- permis de conduire B indispensable pour les déplacements sur les différents sites
- maîtrise du français ; l'anglais technique et le néerlandais sont des atouts
Prêt·e à jouer un rôle central dans nos projets ferroviaires d’envergure ? Venez nous rejoindre chez Equans et faisons la différence ensemble !
Envie de relever les défis multitechniques de demain ?
Alors rejoignez dès à présent nos équipes d'experts, au sein desquelles vous pourrez exercer de nombreuses responsabilités et vos connaissances techniques mises en pratique. Et ce, dans un environnement de travail passionnant et innovant !
Vous aurez également l’occasion de découvrir les technologies de demain afin d’aider nos clients dans les trois grandes transitions actuelles : la transition énergétique, la transition industrielle et la transition digitale.
Mais ce n’est pas tout, rejoindre Equans, c'est aussi :
- un salaire compétitif, conforme à votre formation et expérience
- de belles opportunités de formation et de développement
- une assurance groupe, hospitalisation
- des écochèques, chèques-repas
- une voiture de société
- un smartphone avec abonnement, intervention internet
- des congés RTT, télétravail
Nous avons hâte de vous rencontrer !
Cette description vous colle-t-elle à la peau et vous souhaitez plus de renseignements ? Contactez notre collègue RH Joy Ernould - [email protected]
Au sein de la division Mobility, la section Rail EM South est active dans le domaine des équipements à courant fort et faible pour les applications de tramway, de métro et de train. Notre domaine d’activité comprend entre autres : les sous - stations de tractions et de de transformation électrique, la signalisation des tramways et métros, les systèmes d’informations pour les voyageurs, l’automatisation, la ventilation, les techniques spéciales (téléphonie, contrôle d’accès, CCTV…), l’équipement des dépôts, stations et gares…
Divisional Manager
EQUANS is looking for a Divisional Manager to join our team in Hatfield on a permanent basis. This is a fulltime role working Monday to Friday. On offer is a competitive salary and benefits package.
Are you an experienced Divisional Manager with the ability to provide strategic leadership and direction to our regional construction teams, including Contracts Managers, Site Managers, Commercial, Technical, and Development teams. In this key role, you will be responsible for driving the success of refurbishment schemes and other construction projects. You will lead your team to exceed turnover and profit targets, ensure effective financial management, and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration. With a strong focus on SHEQ compliance and sustainable practices, you will champion team development and ensure the highest standards across all projects. If you are a results-driven leader with a proven track record in construction management, this role offers an exciting opportunity to shape the future of our business.
What will you deliver?
- Lead the development and management of the Construction Department, ensuring staff effectiveness and resource allocation.
- Recruit and appraise staff performance, promoting a professional image and a "right first time" attitude across the department.
- Develop and maintain a standardized approach to project delivery, protecting the company’s contractual interests and minimizing risks.
- Support commercial teams in managing cash collection and resolving subcontract disputes.
- Ensure accurate and consistent Cost Value Reports for all schemes and support performance improvement initiatives.
- Work closely with the Regional Director on all commercial matters and attend tender adjudication and contribution meetings to identify risks and opportunities.
- Maintain strong client relationships and ensure that KPI targets are met, while addressing client complaints effectively.
- Oversee procurement processes to ensure timely support for site teams and alignment with programme schedules.
What can we offer you?
On offer is a competitive salary, and benefits package, which includes;
- 25 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to 3 times annual salary
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Holiday purchase scheme
- 2 corporate social responsibility days per year
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
- Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
- Access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in EQUANS), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Persons Network) and our Disability Network
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
Who are we looking for?
Essential: Experience, Knowledge, Personal Specification and Qualifications
- Proven leadership in managing and developing construction teams, including resource management, staff recruitment, and performance appraisal.
- Strong contract administration skills, with the ability to develop and maintain effective project delivery processes and protect the company’s contractual interests.
- Commercial acumen, including experience in reviewing Cost Value Reports, managing cash collection, and resolving subcontract disputes.
- Client relationship management, maintaining strong relationships, addressing complaints, and ensuring KPI targets are met.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with proficiency in Microsoft Outlook, Excel, Project, and Word, and the ability to manage multiple tasks efficiently.
EQUANS is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, EQUANS is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
EQUANS’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
EQUANS is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The EQUANS Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to EQUANS Managers.
EQUANS are recruiting for a Plasterer to be based in Belfast. This is a permanent full-time role working 40 hours per week. On offer is a salary of £28,112, van & fuel card and benefits package.
General Overview
- To undertake the duties/responsibilities as a Plasterer to the standards set out by the contract.
- To carry out the duties as a Plasterer in accordance with Statutory Regulations, Company policies and Procedures.
- To assist the Foreman in producing a quality product within the contract period. Understand, implement and adhere to EQUANS SHEQ requirements.
- To ensure you complete the full sequence of events on PDA and the completion of jobs for invoicing.
- Efficient use of the Impact system.
- To adhere to the Client contract KPI’s and, target dates and timeframes.
Key Accountabilities
- Provide a high-quality service to NIHE tenants, specifically within domestic properties that are either occupied or void.
- To undertake all elements of 1st and 2nd fix Plastering, and where required undertake other work.
- Undertake where required other multiskilled duties.
- To attend all relevant training courses, including all health and safety
- To work in accordance with any training and instructions given and bring to the attention of the employer any shortcomings and defects in the management systems and protective measures
- To use protective equipment, substances and tools/equipment in accordance with instructions and training given
- Assist with the adherence to the Company quality standards including:
- Compliance with specification and SOR codes
- Adherence to the sequence of events for each job on the PDA.
- Ensure van stock is processed and managed accordingly
- Ensure that your work is carried out the highest quality and within a reasonable amount of time.
- Ensure any additional work is captured and communicated to the relevant person, so that the company can invoice for additional work completed.
- Compliant in timeframes allocated of jobs, ensure target dates are met,
- Compliance with materials / workmanship schedules
- Maintain and care for all company tools
- To use appropriate safety equipment
- To wear appropriate clothing / uniform
- To ensure areas of work are left clean, tidy and safe at all times
- To be responsible for and take due care of the company van in accordance with the company car policy
- Liaison with the client, consultants, contract administrator, head office etc
- Be responsible for your own safety and all other around you
- Make every effort to attend mandatory courses relevant to your role
- Material co-ordination and organisation
- Ensure accurate / timely completion of any relevant site based documentation
- To oversee/assist in the training of apprentices as required
- Any other reasonable management request
- Within your salary includes payment for small hand tools essential for carrying out the duties of a Plasterer, please ensure these are fit for purpose and in line with H&S requirements.
What can we offer you?
On offer is a competitive salary and benefits package, which includes;
- Pension Scheme
- 24 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to 1.5 times annual salary
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
Who are we looking for?
Competent and have a high quality of work to be engaged as a Plasterer. You must be able to work equally well alone without guidance, or as part of a team.
Plasterer membership of the Construction Skills Register
Who are we?
EQUANS is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, EQUANS is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
EQUANS’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
EQUANS is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The EQUANS Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to EQUANS Managers.
EQUANS are recruiting for a Groundworker to be based in Belfast. This is a permanent full-time role working 37 hours per week. On offer is a competitive salary and benefits package.
General Overview
To carry out the duties as a Groundworker in accordance with Statutory Regulations, Company policies and Procedures. To assist the Team in producing a quality product meeting the requirements of the contract and in a safe manner. Adhere to all requirements set by SHEQ team, policy, and strategy.
Key Accountabilities
- Carry out various Ground working tasks to a high standard as instructed by the company including:
- Flagging
- Blocked paving
- Tarmac
- Concreating
- Kerbs
- Excavations
- Footings
- Ramps
- Assist with the adherence to the Company quality standards including:
- Compliance with specification
- Compliance with materials / workmanship schedules
- High quality Customer Care must always act in a polite and professional manor.
- Maintain and care for all company tools.
- 1st time fix to be achieved wherever possible.
- To use appropriate safety equipment
- To wear appropriate clothing / uniform
- To ensure areas of work are left clean and tidy at the end of the day.
- To be responsible for and take due care of the company van in accordance with the company car policy.
- To be responsible for holding keys for communal entrances, meter cupboards and allow access where appropriate.
- Liaison with the client, consultants, contract administrator, head office etc.
- Material co-ordination
- Ensure accurate / timely completion of any relevant documentation required on the contract.
- Any other reasonable management request
What can we offer you?
On offer is a competitive salary and benefits package, which includes;
- Pension Scheme
- 24 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to 1.5 times annual salary
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
Who are we looking for?
Skills and abilities
- Excellent organisational skills
- Current and Valid Full & Clean UK driving license
- Professional attitude and approach to work
- Up to date relevant industry related knowledge
- Up to date relevant knowledge of Health and Safety legislation
Key Attributes
- Self-motivated
- Enthusiastic
- Flexible & adaptable
- Good communicator
- Ability to work both alone and as part of a team
- Well presented
- Reliable
- Polite and Courteous
- Customer Care focused
- Professional attitude to work
Who are we?
EQUANS is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, EQUANS is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
EQUANS’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
EQUANS is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The EQUANS Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to EQUANS Managers.
EQUANS is recruiting for a Caretaker to be based in Sandhill Primary School, Barnsley, S72 0EQ
This is a permanent full time role working 37.5 hours per week. On offer is a salary of £23,283.00 per annum and benefits package.
Shift times:
Monday to Friday 07:00 till 15:30
The role covers all aspects of general site management including litter picking, planned and reactive building maintenance, porterage, security, reception and being a key link between EQUANS and the school.
For this role you must undergo a BS clearance, therefore ability to pass is essential.
What can we offer you?
Paid days annual leave (+ public holidays)
Life Cover equivalent to X1.5 times annual salary
Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
Gym membership discounts
Cycle to work scheme
Holiday purchase scheme
2 corporate social responsibility days per year
Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
Access to our growing employee networks including Accessibility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), Women Together (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
Required Qualifications, Skills or Experience:
- A Full UK Driving Licence – Essential.
- Experience required in a trade or similar role – Essential.
- To have excellent customer service skills – Essential.
- Able to prioritise and work independently – Essential.
- Able to use own initiative - Essential.
- H&S experience in terms of manual handling and working at height – Desirable.
- To understand COSHH guidelines and colour coding – Desirable.
Who are we?
EQUANS is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, EQUANS is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
EQUANS’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
EQUANS is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The Equans Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to Equans Managers.
Life Cycle Project Manager
Equans is looking for a Lifecycle Project Manager to join our team in Birmingham on a fixed term contract for 24 months. This is a full-time role working 37.5 hours per week. On offer is a competitive salary, company vehicle or allowance, bonus and benefits package.
This role is fundamental to the delivery of all projects and lifecycle works on behalf of Equans and the Client. Meeting the Clients needs and ensuring works are delivered within budget and on time is paramount and the post holder needs to reflect this in the day-day operations. All projects must ensure a favourable financial return.
As part of the Project Management team you will take full accountability for the delivery of Variations and Life Cycle projects across the PFI site. As part of this you will be expected to take manage the P&L and H&S for your projects from concept to completion with the support from the Lead PM and Head of Projects. Your role will be fundamental to the efficient delivery of projects to both the SPV and Trust who you will build relationships with as part of your role. You will be expected to work well with the remainder of the team and support the wider Operational team to support the business in its Contractual delivery.
We are looking for a driven individual to add expertise and dimension to the team at the Hospital. The individual will be able to demonstrate flexibility and efficiency in responding to a changing workload and business imperatives while able to establish excellent working relationships within the existing team and clients alike. Experience within a contractual, KPI-driven environment and exposure to a hospital PFI environment a pre-requisite.
The ideal candidate will have an M&E or construction background and previous experience of end to end project management, being responsible for development through to completion.
What will you deliver?
- Full Profit & Loss responsibility for your delivered projects & life cycle works
- Build and sustain strong relationship with relevant stakeholders (Trust / SPV) at management level to ensure the continuation and growth of the pipeline for the foreseeable future
- Support the wider Project, Life cycle and operational teams to ensure all work is carried out on time & to budget
- Manage the team and ensure that there is continuity of service during staff absences/holidays
- Ensure on time delivery and margin optimisation is achieved for all projects
- Support all phases of the project, from initial request to close out, to meet all contractual requirements
- Support the Lead PM with processes and governance across the site which will make the contract a Centre of Excellence across the business area
- Continually refining the project delivery model to ensure the right resources and approach is deployed and optimised for each project
- Make sure project risks are identified and managed through effective mitigation measures. Manage the implementation of designated projects. Ensure the project plan is maintained from inception to completion
- Monitoring and communicating project financial performance and administration to the Lead PM so that you can review targets against budget
- Oversee and support your team to co-ordinate operatives, suppliers in a planned and controlled manner ensuring efficiency and minimising costs
- Implement and comply with Equans policies and procedures, all legal requirements and best practice within Equans Group's including regular safety inspections within the allocated business area
- Detailed discussions with Trust staff and careful planning are required to ensure that works can proceed with the minimum of disruption to building users
- Ensure as necessary, all drawings, specifications and tender documents are prepared. Must adhere to requirements to be compliant with all statutory requirements including Health and safety
- Check and comment on designs and specifications provided by consultants for larger capital projects
- Monitor working procedures and performance of suppliers with particular regard to health and safety. Liaise closely with Technical Services, and Estates Maintenance Managers to assist with monitoring and performance measurement
- Responsible for undertaking work in any other building/property/location as required
What can we offer you?
On offer is a competitive salary, car or car allowance, bonus and benefits package, which includes;
- 25 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to 2 times annual salary
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Holiday purchase scheme
- 2 corporate social responsibility days per year
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
- Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
- Access to our growing employee networks including AccessAbility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), WOMEN TOGETHER (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
Who are we looking for?
- Proven background in FM, maintenance delivery, and the PFI environment
- A strong Project Manager, who will have a proven track record working in Healthcare and delivering projects in a live environment
- Strong Commercial awareness will be needed to manage and flow Supplier Contracts downstream.
- Ability to show understanding of Local Authority legislation, Planning Applications, Fire and Building Regulations Approvals
- High level of verbal, written and numeric skills and must be computer literate. A sound knowledge of standard spreadsheet packages and computerized estates and project management systems
- Must be able to work with all stakeholders and operational staff, be self-motivating, able to work on own initiative, liaise and delegate effectively with staff operating in a multi-disciplinary environment
- A sound knowledge of building and engineering services design and associated British Standards
- A sound knowledge of the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Construction Design and Management Regulations and other relevant statutory requirements will be required
- Able to demonstrate a sound understanding of technical and estates and building issues in the provision of construction, maintenance and FM services
- Financially aware and able to use Equans finance software (Coupa) to support the team in the delivery of projects
- HNC /HND or equivalent qualification in a building or engineering discipline
- Good organizational skills and the ability to communicate at all levels
- Experience of Microsoft Office software essential, including Outlook, Word, Excel and Project
- Considerable experience operating in the public and/or private sector with a demonstrable track record of directly managing small works within a large and complex estate is essential
This role includes a DBS Basic check therefore ability to pass is essential.
Who are we?
Equans is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, Equans is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
Equans’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
Equans is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
As part our commitment to better reflect the markets within which we operate, we encourage applications from women, ethnically diverse individuals and people with disabilities, along with all candidates who identify with protected characteristic groups under the Equality Act 2010.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you'll find a welcoming and open workplace where you're supported and encouraged to be your true self at work.
You'll also have access to our growing employee networks including AccessAbility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), WOMEN TOGETHER (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The Equans Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to Equans Managers.
Contract Manager
Equans is looking for a Contract Manager to join our team in London on a permanent basis. This is a full-time role working 40 hours per week. On offer is a competitive salary, company vehicle or allowance, bonus and benefits package.
Reporting to the Portfolio Manager, they will be the senior lead for communicating and delivering the strategic direction on the Ashurst London Fruit and Wool Exchange contract along with the day-to-day operations of the contract.
The post holder will lead, direct and motivate a skilled multi-disciplinary team of circa 2 staff. Responsible for overseeing all key aspects of operational performance and delivery, commercial management, financial results, growth and strategic development and customer relationships for the contract within scope.
Work closely with the Customer Service and Helpdesk Teams to ensure contract KPI’s & SLA’s are being tracked and met. The role is very much a customer facing role which results in outstanding communications skills which also Involves the well-being of the team.
We are looking for an individual with a technical background and previous experience within contract management. Strong communication and stakeholder management, with strong commercial and financial acumen.
What will you deliver?
- Generating monthly reports for the client
- Excellent Customer/Landlord skills with, exceeding customers’ expectations and challenge Landlord where necessary on behalf of the customer
- Ensure that appropriate monitoring of services is in line with contract requirements and local agreements
- To work collaboratively with other Business Units to drive operational efficiencies where possible
- To ensure performance of contracts against budgets
- To work with SHEQ to ensure risks are appropriately identified and mitigated or removed
- Maintain an effective Relationship/Communication strategy for the contract in relation to customers & staff
- Understand and be receptive to what is going on in other parts of the business marketplace (internal and external) and communicate key messages to the team
- Develop relationships with key stakeholders, Suppliers, Sub-Contractors, staff and staff representatives
- Be the conduit and flux of all major engineering works and projects on site even if not directly under the Equans remit however could affect Ashurst business continuity advising the client as required for any departures that would badly present or be a cause for concern
- Attend meetings with the operations team and all Stakeholders to have broad vision of all upcoming works as required by the client
- Involvement in the process of the selection of new target clients and opportunities
- Creates and communicates a vision for success
- Shares success and best practice
- Generates excitement, enthusiasm and commitment to the team vision
- Positions self as leader and models desired behaviours to suit
- Shows resilience to work pressures
- Communicates constantly and repeatedly and ensures that messages understood using various mediums
- Engages with and influences all levels within the business and with Customers
- Goes out of way to add value to what our clients do
What can we offer you?
On offer is a competitive salary, car or car allowance, bonus and benefits package, which includes;
- 25 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
- Life Cover equivalent to 2 times annual salary
- Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
- Gym membership discounts
- Cycle to work scheme
- Holiday purchase scheme
- 2 corporate social responsibility days per year
- Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
- Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
- Access to our growing employee networks including AccessAbility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), WOMEN TOGETHER (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
- 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app
Who are we looking for?
- Experience of operating and delivering hard FM and/or outsourced services in the M&E sector
- Strong commercial and financial acumen
- Good presentation, influencing and motivation skills
- Inspirational people leader with experience of managing team
- Negotiation/challenging skills
This role includes a DBS Standard check therefore ability to pass is essential.
Who are we?
Equans is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.
In the UK & Ireland, Equans is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.
Equans’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.
Equans is a Bouygues group company.
What's next?
If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.
As part our commitment to better reflect the markets within which we operate, we encourage applications from women, ethnically diverse individuals and people with disabilities, along with all candidates who identify with protected characteristic groups under the Equality Act 2010.
At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you'll find a welcoming and open workplace where you're supported and encouraged to be your true self at work.
You'll also have access to our growing employee networks including AccessAbility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), WOMEN TOGETHER (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role. Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.
The Equans Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to Equans Managers.