Responsable d'Affaires Services H/F - Axima Sécurité Incendie

Saviez-vous que chez EQUANS France, nos équipes interviennent dans le domaine de la Sécurité Incendie ?

Axima, entité d’EQUANS France, recherche son futur

Responsable d’Affaires Services (H/F) - Axima Sécurité Incendie

Poste basé à Genas (69)

Expertise et proximité pour EQUANS France, leader des services multi-techniques Axima fait partie de l’entité EQUANS France. Elle conçoit des solutions globales et performantes dans le domaine du Génie Climatique, de la Réfrigération et de la Sécurité Incendie pour accompagner la transition énergétique et numérique des bâtiments, des environnements et des process de ses clients.

Leader en protection et prévention incendie, notre Pôle Sécurité Incendie accompagne ses clients au plus près de leurs installations et équipements de sécurité, dans le respect des exigences réglementaires.

Vos missions :

Rattaché au Directeur d’agence, vous assurez la gestion technique, administrative, humaine et financière d’un parc de clients équipés de Sécurité Incendie (réseaux sprinkler, RIA, etc.).

Vous intégrerez l'équipe basée spécifiquement à Genas et vous travaillerez pour mener des actions visant à satisfaire les objectifs de rentabilité, de fonctionnement, de tenue des délais et de sécurité.

Pour ce faire, vous assurez les missions suivantes :

  • Développer et fidéliser votre portefeuille clients en réalisant des actions de chiffrage et de réalisation de devis,
  • Consulter les fournisseurs,
  • Planifier les interventions,
  • Piloter la réalisation, le suivi et la livraison des travaux (rénovation, mise en conformité…),
  • Veiller au respect des coûts, des délais et de la qualité.

Votre profil :


Ce qui nous plaira le plus chez vous ? C’est vous-même ! Alors bien évidemment on vous préférera :

Issu, idéalement, d’une formation technique et/ou avec une expérience dans la gestion d’un portefeuille clients et/ou en suivi d’affaires idéalement acquise dans le milieu du BTP.

Votre indéniable fibre commerciale vous permettant, à la fois, de consolider le portefeuille existant mais aussi de répondre à la demande de nouveaux prospects.

Au-delà de vos compétences techniques, votre esprit d’équipe, votre capacité d’adaptation et votre pugnacité dans vos réalisations qui vous rendront rapidement opérationnel.

Vos avantages :

  • Un salaire annuel brut négocié fonction de votre expérience
  • Une prime de vacances versée par la CIBTP et une prime variable
  • Des tickets restaurant
  • Un accord de participation et d'intéressement
  • Un plan d'épargne salariale et un plan d'épargne retraite
  • Des avantages liés au CSE
  • Des RTT
  • Des perspectives d’évolution de carrière au sein du Groupes Bouygues

Retrouvez le témoignage d'un de nos de collaborateurs :

Un dernier point pour vous convaincre de nous rejoindre ?

Venir chez nous, c’est intégrer un grand Groupe, tout en travaillant dans des équipes à taille humaine actives et motivées. Et bien sûr, c’est avoir la possibilité d’être formé régulièrement, comme l’ensemble de nos salariés. 

Alors, envie de faire partie de l’aventure EQUANS France ? 

EQUANS France garantit l’égalité des chances pour tous et la diversité.


EQUANS France s'engage à promouvoir la diversité, l’inclusion et à lutter contre toutes les formes de discriminations à l’accès à l'emploi, à la formation, à la promotion et plus largement dans nos environnements et cadres de travail. L’insertion, la mixité, le soutien et l’accompagnement des jeunes, des seniors, des personnes en situation de handicap sont des priorités essentielles de la politique ressources humaines. 

Responsable Contrôle Financier H/F

Un poste clé pour façonner l’avenir de nos territoires !

Rejoindre Bouygues Energies et Services,  une entité d’EQUANS France, c’est contribuer à la transformation durable des territoires en garantissant des services essentiels, économes et innovants. Nous sommes un acteur incontournable dans le domaine des infrastructures extérieures et intervenons sur des projets stratégiques : Réseaux extérieurs basse et haute tension, Éclairage public, Infrastructures de recharge pour véhicules électriques (IRVE), Vidéoprotection urbaine,…

Pour soutenir notre dynamique de croissance et accompagner notre vision d’excellence opérationnelle, nous recherchons un Responsable Contrôle Financier (H/F) pour piloter le périmètre Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes – Bourgogne (60 M€ de chiffre d’affaires, une dizaine d’agences). Ce poste est une opportunité unique de jouer un rôle central dans une organisation d’envergure nationale et internationale, à la croisée des enjeux financiers et opérationnels.

Votre mission : un rôle stratégique au cœur de la performance régionale

En tant que Responsable Contrôle Financier H/F, vous serez un acteur central du pilotage économique et financier de cette région et bien plus qu’un simple expert financier, vous serez le partenaire stratégique du Directeur Régional et des agences pour accompagner leur performance économique et leur transformation.

Vous interviendrez sur des missions variées, couvrant aussi bien la gestion financière que le management d’équipe et la transformation des outils et processus.

  1. Garant de la performance financière :
  • Superviser et fiabiliser les reportings financiers, en offrant une lecture claire et synthétique des performances régionales.
  • Élaborer et suivre les budgets, prévisions et plans financiers pluriannuels, avec un regard analytique et orienté solution.
  • Identifier les écarts critiques entre prévisions et réalisations et proposer des actions concrètes pour maintenir les objectifs.
  • Garantir le respect des normes comptables, des processus internes et des exigences du groupe.
  1. Leadership et management :
  • Piloter et développer une équipe de 5 collaborateurs (Contrôleurs Financier et Administration des Ventes), en insufflant un esprit de collaboration et d’excellence.
  • Former et accompagner vos équipes face aux évolutions, notamment dans la transition vers de nouveaux outils et méthodes.
  • Participer activement à l’intégration des nouvelles recrues et au développement des talents au sein de la région.
  • Être un leader inspirant, capable de mobiliser et de fédérer autour des enjeux régionaux et du projet d’entreprise.
  1. Acteur de la transformation :
  • Accompagner la transition stratégique des outils financiers de SAP vers OneSAP, en anticipant les défis et en maximisant les opportunités.
  • Participer activement à l’amélioration continue des processus financiers pour renforcer leur agilité et leur fiabilité.
  • Effectuer des déplacements réguliers sur le terrain pour renforcer les liens avec les agences et les accompagner dans leurs besoins spécifiques.
  • Soutenir les agences dans la mise en place de bonnes pratiques financières, en assurant un rôle de conseil et de proximité.
  1. Gestion des risques et suivi juridique :
  • Identifier et évaluer les risques financiers et opérationnels liés aux activités régionales.
  • Être le relais des équipes juridiques pour garantir la conformité contractuelle et réglementaire des projets.
  • Contribuer à la résolution des litiges ou problématiques financières complexes.
  1. Conseiller stratégique :
  • Jouer un rôle de business partner auprès du Directeur Régional et des agences, en apportant une vision globale et éclairée sur les enjeux financiers.
  • Contribuer à la définition et au suivi des stratégies régionales, en identifiant les leviers de croissance et d’optimisation.
  • Apporter des solutions innovantes pour répondre aux enjeux de transition énergétique et numérique des territoires.

Pourquoi ce poste est unique ?

  • Un poste clé dans un secteur stratégique : Vous interviendrez sur un périmètre riche et varié. Vous serez au cœur de projets d’avenir, contribuant à des transformations durables et essentielles pour les collectivités locales.
  • Une large autonomie et des responsabilités : Ce poste est taillé pour un(e) leader capable de piloter avec rigueur et vision, tout en accompagnant les équipes dans leur montée en puissance.
  • Un environnement stimulant : Nous valorisons l’innovation, la collaboration et l’initiative, dans un cadre qui allie bienveillance et excellence.

Votre profil

Pour relever ce défi, vous disposez :

  • D’un solide bagage académique : Bac+5 en finance, contrôle de gestion ou équivalent.
  • D’une expérience significative dans un poste de contrôle financier, idéalement dans un environnement complexe ou multi-sites (BTP, infrastructures, énergie).
  • D’une maîtrise des outils financiers : SAP et idéalement OneSAP, ainsi que des solides compétences en analyse et synthèse financière.
  • De qualités humaines affirmées : Rigueur, leadership, capacité d’adaptation, et un excellent sens de la communication.
  • D’une vision stratégique et d’une appétence pour les environnements en transformation.

Conditions et avantages

  • Localisation : Poste pouvant être basé à Bonson (42), Saint-Étienne (42) ou Lyon (69), avec des déplacements fréquents sur le périmètre régional.
  • Contrat : CDI, avec une rémunération attractive et des avantages compétitifs.
  • Évolution : Une opportunité de progression au sein d’un groupe leader en plein développement.

Vous êtes prêt(e) à relever ce défi et à jouer un rôle clé dans un projet porteur de sens ?

Postulez dès maintenant en envoyant votre CV

Assistant Responsable Contrat H/F - Axima Sécurité Incendie

Saviez-vous que chez EQUANS France, nos équipes interviennent dans le domaine de la Sécurité Incendie ?

Axima, entité d’EQUANS France, recherche son futur

Assistant Responsable contrat (H/F) - Axima Sécurité Incendie

Poste basé à Bouguenais (44)

Expertise et proximité pour EQUANS France, leader des services multi-techniques Axima fait partie de l’entité EQUANS France. Elle conçoit des solutions globales et performantes dans le domaine du Génie Climatique, de la Réfrigération et de la Sécurité Incendie pour accompagner la transition énergétique et numérique des bâtiments, des environnements et des process de ses clients.

Leader en protection et prévention incendie, notre Pôle Sécurité Incendie accompagne ses clients au plus près de leurs installations et équipements de sécurité, dans le respect des exigences réglementaires.

Vos missions :

Sous la responsabilité du Responsable Contrat, vous intégrerez une équipe de 4 personnes, vos missions seront, entre autres, de :

- Contribuer à la relation commerciale et à la pérennité des contrats : Rédiger, revoir et négocier le contrat et ses évolutions (changement de périmètre, litiges, pénalités),

- Enregistrer les différents types de contrats clients,

- Appuyer les Responsables d’affaires (RAF) pour la rédaction et la négociation des avenants contrats,

- Réalisation des chiffrages contrats, de devis sécurité incendie.

Votre profil :


Ce qui nous plaira le plus chez vous ? C’est vous-même ! Alors bien évidemment on vous préférera :

Avec de bonnes capacités d’apprentissage et tu aimes prendre des initiatives.

La maîtrise le Pack Office (et éventuellement Autocad et/ou Revit).

Avec des qualités relationnelles et un sens de l'organisation qui feront la différence !

Votre rigueur, votre rigueur et votre rigueur seront vos atouts essentiels pour réussir dans cette mission au sein du pôle Sécurité Incendie.

Vos avantages :

  • Un salaire annuel brut négocié fonction de votre expérience
  • Une prime de vacances versée par la CIBTP et une prime variable
  • Des tickets restaurant
  • Un accord de participation et d'intéressement
  • Un plan d'épargne salariale et un plan d'épargne retraite
  • Des avantages liés au CSE
  • Des RTT
  • Des perspectives d’évolution de carrière au sein du Groupes Bouygues

Nos collaborateurs en parlent :

Un dernier point pour vous convaincre de nous rejoindre ?

Venir chez nous, c’est intégrer un grand Groupe, tout en travaillant dans des équipes à taille humaine actives et motivées. Et bien sûr, c’est avoir la possibilité d’être formé régulièrement, comme l’ensemble de nos salariés. 

Alors, envie de faire partie de l’aventure EQUANS France ? 

EQUANS France garantit l’égalité des chances pour tous et la diversité.


EQUANS France s'engage à promouvoir la diversité, l’inclusion et à lutter contre toutes les formes de discriminations à l’accès à l'emploi, à la formation, à la promotion et plus largement dans nos environnements et cadres de travail. L’insertion, la mixité, le soutien et l’accompagnement des jeunes, des seniors, des personnes en situation de handicap sont des priorités essentielles de la politique ressources humaines. 


Saviez-vous que chez Equans France, les équipes de Bouygues Energies & Services FM et d’Axima Maintenance et s’unissent pour apporter un haut niveau de service à leurs clients dans le domaine du génie climatique et multi technique ?

Nous rejoindre, c’est s’investir aux côtés de nos 3 000 collaborateurs qui assurent la maintenance des installations sur différents sites partout France : Tertiaires, Collectivités, Hospitaliers, Industriels, Santé, Culture et Patrimoine, Data Centers...

Le Territoire FM & Maintenance multi technique National d’Equans France, réunit les activités opérationnelles de Bouygues Energies & Services FM et Axima Maintenance, sur toute la France. Ce sont plus de 3 000 collaborateurs qui participent au quotidien à assurer la maintenance de sites exceptionnels et apporter un haut niveau de services aux occupants et aux clients.

Au sein de Bouygues Energies & Services FM France et dans le cadre d'un contrat de maintenance multi technique, nous recherchons manager de site basé chez notre client premium sur Paris (75013).

Rattaché au responsable du site, vous interviendrez quotidiennement chez notre client (tours IGH).

Vos missions :

  • Pilotage des prestations techniques sur les parties privatives : maintenance préventive & corrective  et gestion des demandes client via portail interne.
  • management de l'équipe technique composé de 5 techniciens.
  • référent technique CVC, vous apportez conseil et soutient technique à l'équipe.
  • garant de l'application des règles de sécurité.
  • gestion des sous-traitants.
  • reporting divers.

Volume d'activité ou budget géré : 1 millions d'euros

Contraintes particulières du poste : site hautement technologique

astreinte dédiée + astreinte Manager, présence d’un manager pour les essais mensuels GE / présence pour arrêt technique en weekend / beaucoup de sollicitations en weekend et soirée )

Plage Horaire du site : de 07h à 19h (organisation flexible pour la plage horaire).

Votre profil ?

Issu(e) d’une formation technique en CVC, vous avez une expérience confirmée d’au moins 5 ans en tant que responsable de site maintenance. 

Votre capacité d’analyse, vous permet d’élaborer des diagnostics et de détecter rapidement les dysfonctionnements. Doté d’un bon relationnel, vous avez le sens du service.

Votre organisation et votre rigueur, vous permettent d’assurer la satisfaction de notre client.

Vos avantages

Une rémunération attractive, la constitution d’un 13ème mois, une prime de congés payés versée par la CNETP (30% du salaire brut mensuel), prime panier, prime trajet, remboursement du titre de transport, primes de participation et d’intéressement, RTT, nombreux avantages du CSE.... 

Un dernier point pour vous convaincre de nous rejoindre ?

Venir chez nous, c’est intégrer un grand Groupe, tout en travaillant dans des équipes à taille humaine actives et bienveillantes qui seront vous accueilli !. Et bien sûr, c’est avoir la possibilité d’être formé(e) régulièrement, comme l’ensemble de nos salarié(e)s.

Alors, envie de faire partie de l’aventure EQUANS France ?

EQUANS France garantit l’égalité des chances pour tous et la diversité.

EQUANS France s'engage à promouvoir la diversité, l’inclusion et à lutter contre toutes les formes de discriminations à l’accès à l'emploi, à la formation, à la promotion et plus largement dans nos environnements et cadres de travail.

L’insertion, la mixité, le soutien et l’accompagnement des jeunes, des seniors, des personnes en situation de handicap sont des priorités essentielles de la politique ressources humaines.

En savoir plus sur EQUANS France :

Plus de 27 000 collaborateurs contribuent à l’aventure EQUANS France. Concepteurs, intégrateurs et mainteneurs de solutions multi-techniques, tous sont engagés sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur (financement, études, installation, maintenance, contrats de performance). Répartis dans 413 agences sur l’ensemble du territoire français et aussi à l’International, l’exigence et la bienveillance sont au cœur de notre culture et de la performance.

Notre mission ?

Au sein d’EQUANS France, nos équipes, pour qui la santé et la sécurité au travail sont une priorité absolue, sont engagées pour accompagner leurs clients dans leurs transitions énergétique, industrielle et numérique et relever ainsi le défi de la décarbonation de notre économie. Pour cela, nos équipes connectent, protègent et alimentent en flux énergétiques et numériques les territoires, les villes, les bâtiments, les industriels et les infrastructures de transport.

Experts dans 6 domaines – Génie électrique, Génie climatique, Réfrigération, Protection incendie, IT et télécommunications, Solutions digitales, la complémentarité de nos activités témoigne de notre capacité à innover et à nous adapter pour fournir des services à forte valeur ajoutée pour nos clients.

Enraciné dans une histoire plus que centenaire issue des sociétés Axima et Ineo, EQUANS France atteint un chiffre d’affaire de 5 milliards d’euros.

Expert(e) en cybersécurité (OT) | Cyber Security Expert (OT) - Montréal




Equans is looking for a Cyber Security Expert (OT), based in Montreal (Quebec)!

What Equans offers you

  • Group insurance from your first day of work;
  • A group pension plan;
  • A bonus program;
  • Balance between work and personal life;
  • Professional and personal development in a company experiencing strong growth;
  • A positive working environment characterized by competence, responsibility and innovation;
  • Competitive terms of employment and excellent benefit schemes;
  • A diverse workplace regarding gender, age and cultural background. We believe in the importance of diversity and inclusion.

The Equans group is a world leader in the energy and services industry. The Group operates in 20 countries, with 90,000 employees working on 5 continents. Equans is a Bouygues group company.

Equans designs, installs, and delivers customized solutions to improve its customers’ equipment, systems and technical processes and optimize their use in the context of their energy, industrial and digital transitions. Equans is a Bouygues group company.

Active in Canada and the United States for more than 30 years, Equans Services is the partner of businesses, industries and institutions that want to move towards more connected buildings, manage their facilities efficiently and reduce their carbon footprint.

We design, implement, and maintain custom solutions to improve our customers’ facilities, systems, and infrastructures.

Our core offerings are focused on the following areas:

  • Integrated Asset and facilities management;
  • Operation and maintenance of buildings and equipment (including district heating and cooling);
  • Energy efficiency solutions and execution of decarbonization roadmaps;
  • Building automation and systems;
  • Solutions for transportation and mobility.

To learn more, visit


Reporting to Americas Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or Deputy CISO, we are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Cybersecurity Engineer to lead the development, implementation, and maintenance of security strategies focused on operational technology (OT) systems. This role is critical in safeguarding our enterprise’s digital and physical infrastructure from evolving cyber threats. The ideal candidate will possess a deep understanding of cybersecurity frameworks, OT security architecture, and the unique challenges of securing OT systems in industrial and critical infrastructure settings.


1. Operational Technology (OT) Network Security:

  • Design compliance and auditing process for implementation by operational teams tailored to OT environments, including PLCs, and ICS devices.
  • Conduct risk assessments to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in industrial networks.
  • Support the implementation of intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS) for OT environments.

2. Incident Response & Threat Intelligence:

  • Develop and execute incident response plans for IT and OT networks.
  • Investigate and analyze cybersecurity events, coordinating containment and recovery efforts.
  • Maintain up-to-date threat intelligence related to IT and OT threats.

3. Compliance & Risk Management:

  • Ensure adherence to relevant regulatory standards (e.g., GDPR, ISO 27001, NIST CSF, NERC CIP, IEC 62443, NIS and/or NIS2).
  • Perform regular audits and vulnerability scans to identify security gaps and propose remediations.
  • Manage third-party vendor risk related to cloud and OT operations.

4. Team Collaboration & Leadership:

  • Collaborate with IT, DevOps, and OT teams to integrate security into workflows and processes.
  • Collaborate with business engineering teams to architect secure OT solutions.
  • Provide cybersecurity training and awareness programs for employees and stakeholders.
  • Act as a subject matter expert for OT security in cross-functional projects.


  • Authorized to work in Canada.
  • Able to pass a background check and the security level required.

Technical Skills:

  • Expertise in security OT Networks, including knowledge of industrial protocols (e.g., Modbus, OPC UA)
  • Strong knowledge of smart building automation standards including ASHRAE Standard 180, ISO 14042, BACnet, etc.
  • Proficiency in security tools such as SIEMs, firewalls, IDS/IDP, vulnerability scanners and EDR solutions.
  • Hands-on experience with zero-trust architecture and identity management.

Soft Skills:

  • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills
  • Strong communications skills to convey technical concepts to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  • Ability to mentor junior team members in cyber security practices.
  • Self-driven and ability to accept personal responsibility and accountability.
  • Detail oriented and well organized.


  • Minimum of 5+ years in OT Security
  • BS/BA (with an IT focus) required or 15+ years of progressive Information Technology and Cybersecurity work experience in lieu of degree.
  • 10+ years of progressive Information Technology and Cybersecurity work experience
  • CISSP or GICSP certification highly recommended.
  • Additional preferred certifications: CCSP, CISA, CISM, PMP, GCIP.
  • Highly proficiency with Microsoft O365 applications (MS Excel specifically)
  • Good working knowledge of Power BI and SharePoint preferred.
  • Experience with common information security management frameworks, such as NIST CSF, ISO 27001/27002, GDPR, CMMC, and CIS


  • Serving Canada and the United States, we must ensure the delivery of our services in the appropriate language, guaranteeing smooth and tailored communication to meet their needs. 

    Level of spoken and written French: Advanced

    Level of spoken and written English: Proficient

    Frequency of English usage : Daily

  • Spanish fluency is a strong advantage

Key Attributes of an Ideal Candidate:

  • Strategic thinker with the ability to balance security, usability and business needs.
  • Passionate about staying ahead of evolving threats and continuously improving security posture.
  • Skilled in managing and mitigating risks in highly dynamic environments.
  • Proactive and collaborative, with the ability to bridge gaps between security, IT, and DevOps teams.
  • Experience working in global, enterprise-scale organizations with complex infrastructure.

Other Essential Abilities

  • Ability to meet the highest attendance requirements.
  • Ability to communicate effectively, both written and verbally.
  • Ability to use a workstation.
  • Ability to handle multiple assignments on a timely basis with a high degree of accuracy.
  • Could involve some lifting.

Working Environment

The working environment characteristics described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job.  Reasonable accommodation may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.   While performing the duties of this job, the employee is not exposed to weather conditions.  The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate.

Equal employment opportunity

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.


Does this challenge interest you? We would like to get to know you and we thank everyone who applies.

Lead Engineer HV-MV-LV

What if your technical expertise and experience could drive innovative solutions? 

We are hiring a Lead Engineer High, Medium and Low Voltage (HV-MV-LV) for High & Medium Voltage Substations with base location Haren.

In this role your responsibilities include conceptual design development for substations and interfaces, procurement support through specifications and tender files, detailed design development and participation in design reviews, definition and standardization of calculation tools and templates.

Within the High & Medium Voltage department, you work in multi-disciplinary project teams and are responsible for the engineering activities related to the different high, medium and low voltage systems. You realize the design and manage the various aspects related to the realization of HV/MV substations. This can be in tender phase or project execution phase and goes from concept stage until final as built delivery.

You manage the engineers and designers assigned to the project. In case a certain scope is outsourced to engineering service providers and system suppliers, you directly or indirectly through a project engineer ensure the qualitative and in-time delivery of the outsourced scope.

Zoom on your tasks:

  • system management:
    • prepare integrated concept designs, outline specifications, technical specifications for systems and equipment, functional specifications together with partners where appropriate. For the systems that are procured, the focus is also on the follow-up of the respective suppliers/subcontractors
    • translate the client’s and statutory requirements in appropriate technical documents (Request For Proposal – Technical part) to be used by the Procurement team to obtain “best in class” conditions (at bidding phase and execution phase)
    • lead the engineering activities for the allocated systems and monitor quality, assess input from engineering team, partners, suppliers and subcontractors
  • people management and communication:
    • coach and lead the team consisting of internal designers and/or engineers and external engineering companies and system/equipment suppliers. Guard the performance of the different contributors and escalate in case of issues
    • provide information and communicate about the status and progress of the work to enable the Project Manager to take decisions accordingly
    • guarantee transparent communication channels and clear appointments with regard to cooperation within the team and with the stakeholders:
      • internal stakeholders: Project Manager, project team
      • external stakeholders: suppliers (of systems, tools, services) and clients
  • secure project objectives:
    • secure the project objectives by assuring on time and in full delivery of assigned scope of work
    • collect the required input data for calculation and design studies
    • manage discussions with the client. Escalate in case of blocking items. Push for getting documents accepted in accordance with the project timeline
    • support the Project Manager with the needed level of expertise in HV, MV and LV
  • continuous improvement:
    • contribute to a learning organization by defining procedures, tools and systems to organize the studies and calculations
    • implement lessons learned into our processes and calculations
    • share your knowledge within the organization e.g. by organizing short training sessions

What do you need?

  • university level degree: master of science in engineering (mechanical/electrical/electromechanical)
  • excellent technical knowledge of HV&MV substations and minimum 5 years of experience in engineering, procurement & construction activities (in the field of your specialty/expertise)
  • experience with Eplan and Caneco HT or other relevant HV/MV calculation software is an added value
  • knowledge of and experience with the following specific systems is required: 
    • HV and MV GIS
    • power transformers
    • auxiliary/earthing transformers
    • shunt reactors
    • HV and MV cables incl. accessories & testing
  • experience with substation engineering studies is considered as a plus, examples of such studies:
    • grid compliance
    • load flow
    • short-circuit calculations
    • equipment sizing
    • protection coordination
    • earthing & bonding
    • lightning protection
  • preferably knowledge and experience of the transmission & distribution grid

Want to tackle tomorrow’s multi-technical challenges with us?

Then join our experts in the various innovative and exciting projects of Equans. You get the opportunity to use your technical skills as well as to discover cutting-edge technologies and help customers in the 3 major transitions of today: the energy transition, the industrial transition and the digital transition.

Joining Equans is more than that! You also get:

  • a competitive salary in line with your education and experience
  • interesting training and career opportunities
  • group-, hospitalization insurance
  • eco & meal vouchers, 13th month, holiday pay
  • concessionary travel, lease car (with fuel/charging card)
  • smartphone with subscription, internet fee
  • homeworking

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Are you interested in this position and do you have questions? Please contact our HR colleague Kim Claesen - 02 370 30 68 or [email protected]

Part Time Cleaner

Equans is looking for a Part time Cleaner to join our team in, Waterside, Waterside Plaza, Manchester M33 7ZF on a permanent basis. This is a part time role working 15 hours per week. On offer is a salary of £11.44 per hour and benefits package.

Shift Pattern:

Monday - Friday 4:30pm to 7:30pm  

What will you deliver?

Undertake day-to-day cleaning activities within Sale Waterside, working professionally as part of a team and independently. Follow instructions form the Cleaning Manager and cover additional hours as needed.  Maintain a customer-friendly approach and adhere to company policies.  

What can we offer you?

  • 24 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
  • Life Cover equivalent to X1 times annual salary
  • Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
  • Gym membership discounts 
  • Cycle to work scheme 
  • Holiday purchase scheme
  • 2 corporate social responsibility days per year
  • Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
  • Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
  • Access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Persons Network) and our Disability Network
  • 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app

Who are we looking for?

• Previous cleaning experience
• Good Timekeeping and attendance record.
• Knowledge of COSHH, colour coding and infection control
• Ability to work well in a team and focus on assigned responsibilities. 
• Enthusiastic and committed to providing high-quality service to customers
• Enhanced DBS disclosure is required

Who are we?

Equans is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.  

In the UK & Ireland, Equans is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.

Equans’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.

Equans is a Bouygues group company.

What's next?

If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.

At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.

For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role.  Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.

The Equans Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to Equans Managers.

Part Time Cleaner

Equans is looking for a Part time Cleaner to join our team in, Waterside, Waterside Plaza, Manchester M33 7ZF on a permanent basis. This is a part time role working 15 hours per week. On offer is a salary of £11.44 per hour and benefits package.

Shift Pattern:

Monday - Friday 4:30pm to 7:30pm  

What will you deliver?

Undertake day-to-day cleaning activities within Sale Waterside, working professionally as part of a team and independently. Follow instructions form the Cleaning Manager and cover additional hours as needed.  Maintain a customer-friendly approach and adhere to company policies.  

What can we offer you?

  • 24 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
  • Life Cover equivalent to X1 times annual salary
  • Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
  • Gym membership discounts 
  • Cycle to work scheme 
  • Holiday purchase scheme
  • 2 corporate social responsibility days per year
  • Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
  • Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
  • Access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Persons Network) and our Disability Network
  • 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app

Who are we looking for?

• Previous cleaning experience
• Good Timekeeping and attendance record.
• Knowledge of COSHH, colour coding and infection control
• Ability to work well in a team and focus on assigned responsibilities. 
• Enthusiastic and committed to providing high-quality service to customers
• Enhanced DBS disclosure is required

Who are we?

Equans is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.  

In the UK & Ireland, Equans is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.

Equans’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.

Equans is a Bouygues group company.

What's next?

If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch.

At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you’ll find a welcoming and open workplace where you’re supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. You’ll also have access to our growing employee networks including WiE (Women in Equans), RISE (BAME), LGBTQI+, Working Parents, YPN (Young Professionals Network) and our Disability Network.

For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role.  Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.

The Equans Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to Equans Managers.

Lead Project Manager (Lifecycle)

Equans is looking for a Lead Projects Manager (Lifecycle) to join our team in Birmingham on permanent basis. This is a full-time role working 37.5 hours per week. On offer is a competitive salary, company vehicle or allowance, bonus and benefits package.


You will take the lead PM LC role in supporting your team of LC Project Managers. As part of this you will be expected to take full accountability including P&L for the delivery of all Lifecycle works at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital PFI and where requested Zone 2 (Retained estate). Your role will be fundamental to supporting HoP in delivering the LC packages of works and meeting the business targets. You will need to show leadership with the team and be the Client focal point of contact at all times and be expected to cover the HOP if away from the Contract.

This role is fundamental to the delivery of all Lifecycle works on behalf of Equans and the client. Meeting the clients needs and ensuring works are delivered within budget and on time is paramount and the post holder needs to reflect this in the day-day operations. All Lifecycle must ensure a favourable financial return. The role will involve:

  • Detailed discussions with Consort, Trust and Equans Estates to ensure that all projects are planned successfully
  • Translate, from the project scope, specifications, design drawings and tender documents, in full compliance with all statutory requirements including CDM, Health & Safety and the Building Safety Act
  • Ensuring snagging and defects are managed and closed-out within the specified timescale
  • Supervising contractors, liaising with clients and other company departments during projects where necessary
  • Monitor working procedures, workmanship, and performance of contractors with particular regard to health and safety. Consult closely with Technical Services, and Estates Maintenance Managers to assist with monitoring and performance measurement

We are looking for a driven individual to add expertise and dimension to the team at the Hospital. The individual will be able to demonstrate flexibility and efficiency in responding to a changing workload and business imperatives while able to establish excellent working relationships within the existing team and clients alike. Experience within a contractual, KPI-driven environment and exposure to a hospital PFI environment a pre-requisite.

What will you deliver?

  • Full Profit & Loss responsibility for all life cycle works
  • Build and sustain strong relationship with relevant stakeholders (Trust / SPV) at a senior level to ensure the continuation and growth of the pipeline for the foreseeable future
  • Lead the Life cycle team to ensure all work is carried out on time & to budget
  • Support and mentor your team to ensure they are accountable to run LC projects
  • Support all phases of the LC Contract, from initial annual surveys, collation of asset data, liaison with the Client to seek full approval of annual surveys and delivery of all packages to meet Contractual requirements
  • Support the HOP with processes and governance across the site which will make the Queen Elizabeth contract a Centre of Excellence across the business area
  • Continually refining the project delivery model to ensure the right resources and approach is deployed and optimised for each project
  • This is a working role so you will be expected to manage your own designated projects along with supporting those of your team to meet company objectives, post-contract with an input into pre-contract requirements emphasising customer care and business excellence
  • Make sure project risks are identified and managed through effective mitigation measures. Manage the implementation of designated projects. Ensure the LC plan is maintained from inception to completion within the Contract year
  • Monitoring and communicating project financial performance and administration to the HOP so that you can review targets against budget
  • Oversee and support your team to co-ordinate operatives, suppliers in a planned and controlled manner ensuring efficiency and minimising costs
  • Act as a point of contact for your team, managing relationships with all stakeholders, consultants and service providers
  • Implement and comply with Equans policies and procedures, all legal requirements and Equans Management System best practice within Equans Group's including regular safety inspections within the allocated business area
  • Detailed discussions with Trust staff and careful planning are required to ensure that works can proceed with the minimum of disruption to building users
  • Ensure as necessary, all drawings, specifications and tender documents are prepared. Must adhere to requirements to be compliant with all statutory requirements including Health and safety and HTMs
  • Monitor working procedures and performance of suppliers with particular regard to health and safety. Liaise closely with Technical Services Managers, and the wider Estates team to assist with asset data and meeting HTM requirements
  • Support the HOP in the ‘on call’ rota as and when required, after suitable training and relevant experience is gained – this will only be to backfill with prior agreement

What can we offer you?

On offer is a competitive salary, car or car allowance, bonus and benefits package, which includes;

  • 25 days annual leave (+ public holidays)
  • Life Cover equivalent to 2 times annual salary
  • Employee discount shopping schemes on major brands and retailers
  • Gym membership discounts 
  • Cycle to work scheme 
  • Holiday purchase scheme
  • 2 corporate social responsibility days per year
  • Broad range of learning opportunities, such as professional qualifications, collective/individual training, and personalized support programmes
  • Attractive Employee Referral Rewards Scheme
  • Access to our growing employee networks including AccessAbility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), WOMEN TOGETHER (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.
  • 24/7 Employee Assistance Program and access to mental wellbeing app

Who are we looking for?

  • Proven background in FM, maintenance delivery, and the PFI environment
  • A strong people manager, who will have the ability to successfully lead, motivate and manage a diverse team and will be a natural strategic thinker with a strong commercial awareness
  • Ability to show understanding of Local Authority legislation, Planning Applications, Fire and Building Regulations Approvals
  • High level of verbal, written and numeric skills and must be computer literate.  A sound knowledge of standard spreadsheet packages and computerized estates and project management systems
  • Must be able to manage people, be self-motivating, able to work on own initiative, liaise and delegate effectively with staff operating in a multi-disciplinary environment
  • A sound knowledge of building and engineering services design and associated British Standards
  • A sound knowledge of the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Construction Design and Management Regulations and other relevant statutory requirements will be required
  • Able to demonstrate a sound understanding of technical and estates and building issues in the provision of construction, maintenance and FM services
  • Financially aware and able to use Equans finance software (Coupa) to support the team in the delivery of projects
  • HNC /HND or equivalent qualification in a building or engineering discipline
  • Good organizational skills and the ability to communicate at all levels
  • Considerable experience operating in the public and/or private sector with a demonstrable track record of directly managing small works within a large and complex estate is essential

This role includes a DBS Basic check therefore ability to pass is essential.

Who are we?

Equans is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees working in more than 50 countries, with an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros.  

In the UK & Ireland, Equans is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.

Equans’ 13,500 UK & Ireland employees combine these activities to help businesses, public sector organisations and government to embrace the energy transition towards net zero, and also the digital & industrial transitions that are redesigning the way we move, work and live.

Equans is a Bouygues group company.

What's next?

If this role is of interest to you, please click below to register, apply, and track your progress! A member of our Resourcing Team will review your application and be in touch. 

As part our commitment to better reflect the markets within which we operate, we encourage applications from women, ethnically diverse individuals and people with disabilities, along with all candidates who identify with protected characteristic groups under the Equality Act 2010. 

At Equans we’re committed to delivering a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and supported. We know the value a diverse workforce creates, delivering better results for our people, customers, and stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is at the core of what we do, should you join Equans you'll find a welcoming and open workplace where you're supported and encouraged to be your true self at work. 

You'll also have access to our growing employee networks including AccessAbility (representing those with physical and mental disabilities), Encompass (representing the LGBTQ+ community), RISE (representing people from ethnic backgrounds), WOMEN TOGETHER (representing women in Equans), Working Parents, and Young Professionals.


For this role, you must have evidence of the right to work in the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a re-location package with this job role.  Certain roles may require applicants to undergo a Disclosure check, as noted in the role requirements.

The Equans Resourcing Team supports this job advert. Agency involvement is not required. All related enquiries must come to the resourcing team not direct to Equans Managers.